muchengl / xv6-riscv

MIT 6.s081 Labs
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Chat Repo playground #10

Open muchengl opened 1 year ago

charrepo[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am CharRepo🤖️. What can I do for you? If you want me to answer questions about this repo, please use:/chatrepo [you question].

muchengl commented 1 year ago

/chatrepo If i need add a sys call about pipe into xv6 system. Which file should i change?

charrepo[bot] commented 1 year ago

Answer: The following is a comprehensive answer to the query regarding "usertests.c":
[01] usertests.c is a file found in the 'user' directory of the xv6-riscv repository on Github. The file is believed to contain tests for the user programs of the operating system. These tests are meant to check for errors and confirm that the user programs work properly.

muchengl commented 1 year ago

/Bot can you hear me?

muchengl commented 1 year ago

/Bot can you hear me?

chatrepo[bot] commented 1 year ago

can you hear me?

Yes, I can hear you.