muchimi / JoystickGremlinEx

Modified version of Joystick Gremlin to add features I wanted to have but were difficult to do as just a plugin, plus I wanted to run this as 64 bit and on a more current version of Python/QT.
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 2 forks source link

Question: Looking to add a new action plugin, publish on a fork or create a PR? #18

Closed jc43081 closed 1 month ago

jc43081 commented 1 month ago

I am writing a new action plugin (couldn’t use the plugin feature) and since you have a more recent version (plus lots of new features), I used your version as my starting point. As I near finalizing it, I am wondering if you would prefer me to publish a separate version on my fork or merge my changes with a PR. My changes are mostly within the new action plugin, but a few changes were made to the base code (and I fixed a few bugs).

My only concern going the PR route is I may have a potential flurry of PRs for fixes and I didn’t know how much you wanted to be bothered going forward. You can check out my changes in more details if you want by visiting my fork and the “star citizen” branch. Let me know your thoughts as I could go either way.

Thanks for continuing to extend JG. It is a great tool!

muchimi commented 1 month ago

I like bug fixes! Perhaps we can start with the core bug fixes I can incorporate those and you can publish the plugin separately? I'll take a look at your changes. Actions is one of the areas I haven't looked much into outside of vjoyremap (and that has a few bugs too).

muchimi commented 1 month ago

I pushed your coderunner start() change to tag [13.40.7x RC). Please check and I'll publish a release if all looks ok.

jc43081 commented 1 month ago

TBH, I don't remember making a change to coderunner. The fix I was referring to I had only committed locally, but have now pushed it up. It was an error when changing modes on the Keyboard tab.

Just to clarify, the changes are made go beyond the plugin framework. It is similar to your vJoyRemap action. So when you mention "publish the plugin separately", what do you mean? I would be glad to connect on Discord if that is easier to talk through this.

muchimi commented 1 month ago

Give me your discord - I'm at @muchimi. Glad to have a chat.

On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 5:27 PM Jeff Cain @.***> wrote:

TBH, I don't remember making a change to coderunner. The fix I was referring to I had only committed locally, but have now pushed it up. It was an error when changing modes on the Keyboard tab. c7f4361

Just to clarify, the changes are made go beyond the plugin framework. It is similar to your vJoyRemap action. So when you mention "publish the plugin separately", what do you mean? I would be glad to connect on Discord if that is easier to talk through this.

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muchimi commented 1 month ago

We are working on a solution offline.