muchobien / pocketbase-docker

Pocketbase docker image
328 stars 58 forks source link

How to add hooks #20

Closed yfram closed 7 months ago

yfram commented 8 months ago

Hi, This Docker image was a lifesaver, so thank you. This may be a dumb question but I'm a bit of a noob to this, how do I add pb hooks using this image? Iv'e tried just mounting it as a volume to /pb_hooks but that does't seem to work. Thanks!

yfram commented 8 months ago

Was able to solve this in the end by cloning the repo and changing the last line in the dockerfile to: ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/pocketbase", "serve", "--http=", "--dir=/pb_data", "--publicDir=/pb_public", "--hooksDir=/pb_hooks"]