mudassar-tamboli / ESP32-OV7670-WebSocket-Camera

Demonstrates Video Streaming from ESP32+OV7670 hardware using WebSocket protocol
Apache License 2.0
79 stars 22 forks source link

Can I do something to get a better imáge #2

Open ats3788 opened 5 years ago

ats3788 commented 5 years ago

Hello What a great Project.


But My Image is reddish can I change this I Tried to tweak REG_BLUE & REG_RED but I did not have any success.

shikharuniyal commented 5 years ago

when i am compiling the code it is showing this type of error

**C:\Users\SHIKHAR\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ov7670-lib-master\main.c:3:20: fatal error: avr/io.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

exit status 1 Error compiling for board WEMOS LOLIN32.**

ats3788 commented 5 years ago

I think you have the wrong Gadget it should be ESP32

shikharuniyal commented 5 years ago

now it displays with esp 32 wemos lolin is

Archiving built core (caching) in: C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\arduino_cache_826840\core\core_esp32_esp32_lolin32_FlashFreq_80,PartitionScheme_default,UploadSpeed_921600_8581ddab28451b3d9b85bf43e01a25a9.a Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 35, in

File "c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\", line 389, in load_module

File "site-packages\", line 27, in

File "c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\", line 389, in load_module

File "site-packages\serial\", line 15, in

File "c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\", line 389, in load_module

File "site-packages\serial\", line 182, in

File "", line 375, in getattr__

File "", line 380, in getitem__

AttributeError: function 'CancelIoEx' not found

Failed to execute script esptool

exit status -1 Error compiling for board WEMOS LOLIN32.

mudassar-tamboli commented 5 years ago

Hello What a great Project.


But My Image is reddish can I change this I Tried to tweak REG_BLUE & REG_RED but I did not have any success.

function display() in canvas.htm resolves the color issue RGB565 is converted to RGB888 format before manipulating the pixels.

If the demo code is not changed then please check your OV7670 configuration

Check below link