mudcube / Event.js

:hand: Multi-touch, gestures, and other events—click, dblclick, dbltap, tap, longpress, drag, swipe, pinch, rotate, shake. For pointer events, each listener can handle anywhere from 1 to 12 fingers at a time, or more, depending on the device. Includes MetaKey tracking (CMD, CTRL) to support native key-commands in various platforms.
MIT License
368 stars 68 forks source link

None of the demos are working on iPad IOS6 or Android ICS #2

Closed tomardern closed 11 years ago

tomardern commented 11 years ago


Looks like a great libray, only issue is I cannot get any of the demos to work on iPad iOS 6 or Android ICS.

Any ideas?

mudcube commented 11 years ago

Sorry about that, I made a change earlier and blindly committed to the repo. The issue was that the options to modify the selectors were turned off by default, so switched them to true:

root.modifyEventListener = true; root.modifySelectors = true;

Also, polished up the demos for mobile devices (disabling elastic scroll, and better viewport)
