mudcube / MIDI.js

:musical_keyboard: Making life easy to create a MIDI-app on the web. Includes a library to program synesthesia into your app for memory recognition or for creating trippy effects. Convert soundfonts for Guitar, Bass, Drums, ect. into code that can be read by the browser. Supports multiple simultaneous instruments and perfect timing.
MIT License
3.77k stars 642 forks source link

Steer databases of midi. #196

Open HerrSteinway opened 7 years ago

HerrSteinway commented 7 years ago

I am a total noob to code, I am only starting out with jquery Php Javascript, phyton and C And it is quite alot to digest, But your beautifull collaborative work made an old Idea accessable.

So here it is. I have over 20 hours of midi files named an sorted. They have been proven effective, in my own music class I teach. These files I want to upload them as listed categories to a website, so to have them ready to be drag n dropped on a javascript controlled sheetmusic capable of playing.

Midi on web is accessable thanks to you, and Sheet music on web is accessable thanks to another github effort. Similar feats have been pulled off, by for instance, Ultimate-guitar plus. But instead charging buckets of money I want this to be Opensource, Access for all!

Making music learning Digestable Not a Database of youtubedistraction to becoming a Maecenas to the patreon-beggars neither a glorified Type-course to a Dry-as-hell void without a frame of reference to monitor your own progress.

How do I start this, using your gorgeous midiPlatform?

TL; DR Cool midi, brah. How do I combine this with a drag and drop library with a playable sheetmusic function?

shivrajsa commented 7 years ago

@HerrSteinway Please check this link from MIDI.js demos :, it may help. Could you please share which Sheet Music library you will be using.