mudkipme / MoeMemosAndroid

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Can not edit memos in mobile version #187

Open pythonius21 opened 1 month ago

pythonius21 commented 1 month ago

I can edit the memos via web but not in the android version (fdroid and Google play version tested), change memos status to public,workspace and private, still can't edit via Android app.

It gives me an blank error popup Screenshot_20240617-081056

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

version 0.8.1 Which I'm currently running

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

And no error messages on the server side. Running latest server version (docker compose), latest android app, tried via token auth and normal, no differences

mudkipme commented 4 weeks ago

I'm unable to reproduce this issue with both Memos 0.22.2 and 0.21.0. Could you use a proxy tool to find out the request url & body, and responses happened when you tap the save button?

The access log of your http server and your Memos version may also help.

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

I use a reverse proxy manager (Nginx Proxy Manager) and the error logs says "Connection reset by peer" while with toke auth and normal login. The Logcat via android says

06-17 15:12:26.206  2205  2286 D ShellBackPreview: Received backNavigationInfo:BackNavigationInfo{mType=TYPE_CALLBACK (4), mOnBackNavigationDone=android.os.RemoteCallback@21ac1e5, mOnBackInvokedCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@89684ba, mPrepareRemoteAnimation=false, mAnimationCallback=false, mCustomizeAnimationInfo=null}
06-17 15:12:26.241  2305  2361 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1718629946.241190    2361] Event stream classified as kNone

It worked before, but after a update from server (maybe) it stopped, I test an older server version and tell my results!

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

I use a reverse proxy manager (Nginx Proxy Manager) and the error logs says "Connection reset by peer" while with toke auth and normal login. The Logcat via android says

06-17 15:12:26.206  2205  2286 D ShellBackPreview: Received backNavigationInfo:BackNavigationInfo{mType=TYPE_CALLBACK (4), mOnBackNavigationDone=android.os.RemoteCallback@21ac1e5, mOnBackInvokedCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@89684ba, mPrepareRemoteAnimation=false, mAnimationCallback=false, mCustomizeAnimationInfo=null}
06-17 15:12:26.241  2305  2361 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1718629946.241190    2361] Event stream classified as kNone

It worked before, but after a update from server (maybe) it stopped, I test an older server version and tell my results!

So I tried now with test server and the error logs says failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client: *REDACTED*, server: *REDACTED*, request: "PATCH /api/v1/memos/14 HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "*REDACTED*"

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

I tried disabling SSO from authelia, used a VPN connection, no chance...

ganeshlab commented 4 weeks ago

I had the same issue. I was using the token to login because the default method wasn't working in the beta. Cleared data on the android app and switched back to default login and now everything works as usual.

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

I had the same issue. I was using the token to login because the default method wasn't working in the beta. Cleared data on the android app and switched back to default login and now everything works as usual.

Doesn't work for me unfortunately, cleared cache, installed older versions, tried token and the default login, still doesn't work.

pythonius21 commented 4 weeks ago

I will close this issue, as it is apparently only on my end the problem. But still thanks for the help!

inertia42 commented 3 weeks ago

I will close this issue, as it is apparently only on my end the problem. But still thanks for the help!

I have the same issue. The solution from previous replies doesn't work for me either. Maybe you can reopen this issue.

cdefine commented 3 weeks ago

i have the same problem,i cannot edit or archive memos but can create new memo in my andriod device. everything is ok in web page. recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "PATCH /api/v1/memos/59 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""

mudkipme commented 3 weeks ago

"Connection reset by peer" looks like a server panic when handling request. Is there any logs on Memos' side? Do you use any architecture other than amd64? Did the Memos process or container restarted?

And I'd like to know whether using 0.22.1, 0.22.2 and stable Docker tag could make a different.

You may also try connecting to Memos server directly without a reverse proxy and see if there's any logs.

pythonius21 commented 3 weeks ago

"Connection reset by peer" looks like a server panic when handling request. Is there any logs on Memos' side? Do you use any architecture other than amd64? Did the Memos process or container restarted?

And I'd like to know whether using 0.22.1, 0.22.2 and stable Docker tag could make a different.

You may also try connecting to Memos server directly without a reverse proxy and see if there's any logs.

I can confirm that connecting directly to it does work!

mudkipme commented 3 weeks ago

"Connection reset by peer" looks like a server panic when handling request. Is there any logs on Memos' side? Do you use any architecture other than amd64? Did the Memos process or container restarted? And I'd like to know whether using 0.22.1, 0.22.2 and stable Docker tag could make a different. You may also try connecting to Memos server directly without a reverse proxy and see if there's any logs.

I can confirm that connecting directly to it does work!

Thanks for the information!

May I see your nginx configuration and nginx version to help reproduce this issue?

pythonius21 commented 3 weeks ago

"Connection reset by peer" looks like a server panic when handling request. Is there any logs on Memos' side? Do you use any architecture other than amd64? Did the Memos process or container restarted? And I'd like to know whether using 0.22.1, 0.22.2 and stable Docker tag could make a different. You may also try connecting to Memos server directly without a reverse proxy and see if there's any logs.

I can confirm that connecting directly to it does work!

Thanks for the information!

May I see your nginx configuration and nginx version to help reproduce this issue?

As I stated earlier I'm using Nginx Proxy Manager version 2.11.2 but here my configurations: librewolf_VQFi8itLFs librewolf_EqdFpJrXVo librewolf_VIKIXuFo5p

inertia42 commented 3 weeks ago

My memos instance is running on, and I can't modify the proxy settings of the instance. When I modify a memo, the server logs also show

proxy nrt [error] [PU02] could not complete HTTP request to instance: connection error: Connection reset by peer (os error 104)

I don't quite understand the source of this issue. Is it a server-side problem, an upstream memos issue, or an Android client problem? Thank you!

mudkipme commented 3 weeks ago

I can finally reproduce this issue with Nginx Proxy Manager and curl command to the PATCH request. Further investigation shows the request didn’t reach the handler method of Memos server so there might be something wrong with the echo library or mixing HTTP/GRPC methods.

I’ll try to figure out the exact issue and submit a pull request to Memos if there can be a fix. Otherwise, Moe Memos will switch to Protobuf requests like the web app for 0.22+.

Update: I figured out the exact cause and will submit a pull request to Memos soon.

mudkipme commented 3 weeks ago

The fix is merged, please try upgrading the server to neosmemo/memos:latest or 0.22.3 docker tag.

cdefine commented 3 weeks ago

The fix is merged, please try upgrading the server to neosmemo/memos:latest or 0.22.3 docker tag.

thanks for your fix!!! i upgrade the server to 0.22.3,most of functions are normal ,but cannot upload image now 。the server response 500

mudkipme commented 3 weeks ago

The fix is merged, please try upgrading the server to neosmemo/memos:latest or 0.22.3 docker tag.

thanks for your fix!!! i upgrade the server to 0.22.3,most of functions are normal ,but cannot upload image now 。the server response 500

Is there any error log in Memos or the proxy server when uploading images?

pythonius21 commented 3 weeks ago

The fix is merged, please try upgrading the server to neosmemo/memos:latest or 0.22.3 docker tag.

I can confirm that it is indeed working! Thank you very much :)

pisceswb commented 2 weeks ago

cannot upload image