mudmuseum / terraform-stacks

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Create GitHub Action to build and push docker image from mud repository #21

Closed nswarner closed 3 years ago

nswarner commented 3 years ago

May require a new AWS IAM user token specifically meant for managing pushes to ECR from GitHub Actions (separate from website repository pushes to S3). Likely single user in AWS IAM with secrets stored at the GitHub organization level (to be used with all mud repository GitHub Actions).

On commit push,

Required work to connect,

Deciding on versioning schema,


nswarner commented 3 years ago

Likely overlap with #19.

nswarner commented 3 years ago

Created Action, works as expected with exception. Intended to run on ARM64 architecture, but default GitHub Runner for ubuntu-latest is not ARM64. Looking into cross-compiling.. If cross compiling doesn't work, I may move the organization onto AWS CodeCommit / CodeBuild / Code*... rather than GitHub+GitHub Actions.

nswarner commented 3 years ago

Converted from t4g.micro to t3a.micro. Cost change of ~$10 on a reserved instance spread over 3 years (effective change of ~$0.28/month). Considerations show benchmark performance loss on CPU with change of ~5-40%.

nswarner commented 3 years ago

Conversion to t3a.micro allows GitHub Actions build to run on x86_64 architecture, which aligns artifact build architecture with architecture of server that runs artifact.

nswarner commented 3 years ago

Functioning as intended.