muellerberndt / apkx

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Incompatibility when using enjarify #7

Open Cloufish opened 3 years ago

Cloufish commented 3 years ago

When using enjarify there're two incompatibilities:

  1. For some reason, I get an error when using enjarify in apkx: /usr/bin/env: ‘ python3.5’: No such file or directory - I couldn't find the usage of python3.5 in apkx, but because executing enjarify alone doesn't give any errors, I assume there's something wrong in apkx. It would be good for the env to point to python, without specifying its version

  2. The enjarify outputs a file classes-enjarify.jar, instead of classes.jar. Now the problem with this is that cfr decompiler expects a file classes.jar, which is under a different name