mueschel / OsmDestinationSigns

Display of OSM destination signs
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Wrong location for destination:ref and destination:symbol when also using :to #9

Open lucumon opened 2 years ago

lucumon commented 2 years ago

Hi! I really like your app for checking if my mapping is done correctly, but today I found a bug. image As you can see on the screenshot, I put the key "airport" for a destination on the first lane, but in your app It shows the airport icon on a destination in both lanes. Also, the road refs for the first lane are not displayed correctly with their own destination. Colors aren't working neither when using :to, so I think that the problem is having this las suffix.

Thank you for your work!!

mueschel commented 2 years ago



If you make a sign without the int_ref and the items above changed, it looks like it should:;;;E%201;E%201|;;%0Adestination:colour:to:lanes%20=%20white;white;yellow;blue;blue|white;white;white%0Adestination:colour:text:to:lanes%20=%20black;black;black;white;white|black;black;black%0Adestination:ref:to:lanes%20=%20;N-634;;AP-9;AP-9|N-525;N-550;AC-543%0Adestination:to:lanes%20=%20Pol%C3%ADgono%20de%20Fonti%C3%B1as;Oviedo;Aeroporto;A%20Coru%C3%B1a;Pontevedra|Ourense;Pontevedra;Noia%0Adestination:ref%20=%20SC-20%0Adestination:symbol:to:lanes%20=%20;;airport;;|;;%0Ahighway%20=%20primary%0Alanes%20=%202%0Alit%20=%20yes%0Amaxspeed%20=%2050%0Aname%20=%20Avenida%20de%20Lugo%0Aoneway%20=%20yes%0Asurface%20=%20asphalt%0Aturn:lanes%20=%20slight_left|through

lucumon commented 2 years ago

Ok, thank you very much for responding so quickly, and sorry for the inconvenience. Is there on the osm wiki any page that illustrates in which order should de tags go? Also, If you want, I can help you create a profile for spanish signs, tell me what kind of specifications about our signs do you need :)

mueschel commented 2 years ago

Ok, thank you very much for responding so quickly, and sorry for the inconvenience. Is there on the osm wiki any page that illustrates in which order should de tags go?

For destination tags it is:


I also made a more general overview here:

Also, If you want, I can help you create a profile for spanish signs, tell me what kind of specifications about our signs do you need :)

Sure, I can't promise a date, but I can look into it. To get started I need a set of general rules (e.g. on a motorway -> green, destination:ref starts with 'F' -> blue) and a couple of examples (image + link to the OSM object)

lucumon commented 2 years ago

Hi!, here you have a little explanation of how our signs are:

Right now I don't have any OSM examples at hand, maybe the next weekend I can work on it.

For road refs, it's very complex, as it depends on the region. I could explain later how it is on each region, but I think this will require a lot of work. I know a little bit of programming, so If you can explain me what files need to be modificated in order to create this profile, I could try to make it by myself and then do a pull request.