muffycompo / radiusdesk-installer

[READ-ONLY] RADIUSDesk Installer is an Ansible powered utility that attempts to simplify or ease the process of getting a working installation of RADIUSDesk on a vanilla/minimal installation of RHEL/CentOS 6.7/7.x and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/17.10/18.04 servers.
MIT License
36 stars 27 forks source link

Stuck Failed at Freeradius install #59

Open whyhdyt opened 5 years ago

whyhdyt commented 5 years ago

Dear Sir, Thanks for this project that you made, im using orangepi pc with armbian bionix/xenial base, i always get stuck failed in freeradius install step, here is the code

thanks for advance

TASK [radiusdesk : Installing Freeradius for RadiusDesk (Ubuntu 14+)] *** [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Invoking "apt" only once while using a loop via squash_actions is deprecated. Instead of using a loop to supply multiple items and specifying name: {{ item }}, please use name: u'{{ freeradius_pkgs }}' and remove the loop. This feature will be removed in version 2.11. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. failed: [localhost] (item=[u'freeradius=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-utils=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-mysql=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-ldap=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-krb5=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-common=3.0.16-ppa1', u'libnet-telnet-perl']) => {"cache_update_time": 1539946211, "cache_updated": false, "changed": false, "item": ["freeradius=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-utils=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-mysql=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-ldap=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-krb5=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-common=3.0.16-ppa1", "libnet-telnet-perl"], "msg": "'/usr/bin/apt-get -y -o \"Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef\" -o \"Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold\" install 'freeradius=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-utils=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-mysql=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-ldap=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-krb5=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-common=3.0.16-ppa1' 'libnet-telnet-perl'' failed: E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-utils' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-mysql' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-ldap' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-krb5' was not found\n", "rc": 100, "stderr": "E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-utils' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-mysql' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-ldap' was not found\nE: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-krb5' was not found\n", "stderr_lines": ["E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius' was not found", "E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-utils' was not found", "E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-mysql' was not found", "E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1' for 'freeradius-ldap' was not found", "E: Version '3.0.16-ppa1*' for 'freeradius-krb5' was not found"], "stdout": "Reading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\n", "stdout_lines": ["Reading package lists...", "Building dependency tree...", "Reading state information..."]}

stdkr commented 5 years ago

try this here:

perhaps it helps.

NafisFaisalKhan commented 5 years ago

Hi I have been getting this error. It's on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on AWS EC2. I tried the solutions in #50 but no change. However the installer did install successfully on 14.04 but the it gave me an "AJAX communication failure" error when trying to login with the initial credentials. On looking at the console, there was a 404 saying "authentication.json" was not found.

TASK [radiusdesk : Installing Freeradius for RadiusDesk (Ubuntu 14+)] **[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Invoking "apt" only once while using a loop via squash_actions is deprecated. Instead of using a loop to supply multiple items and specifying name: "{{ item }}", please use name: '{{ freeradius_pkgs }}' and remove the loop. This feature will be removed in version 2.11. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. failed: [localhost] (item=[u'libfreeradius3=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-utils=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-mysql=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-ldap=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-krb5=3.0.16-ppa1', u'freeradius-common=3.0.16-ppa1', u'libnet-telnet-perl']) => {"cache_update_time": 1557187029, "cache_updated": true, "changed": false, "item": ["libfreeradius3=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-utils=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-mysql=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-ldap=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-krb5=3.0.16-ppa1", "freeradius-common=3.0.16-ppa1", "libnet-telnet-perl"], "msg": "'/usr/bin/apt-get -y -o \"Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef\" -o \"Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold\" install 'libfreeradius3=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-utils=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-mysql=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-ldap=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-krb5=3.0.16-ppa1' 'freeradius-common=3.0.16-ppa1*'' failed: E: Packages were downgraded and -y was used without --allow-downgrades.\n", "rc": 100, "stderr": "E: Packages were downgraded and -y was used without --allow-downgrades.\n", "stderr_lines": ["E: Packages were downgraded and -y was used without --allow-downgrades."], "stdout": "Reading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:\n freetds-common libct4\nUse 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.\nSuggested packages:\n freeradius-postgresql snmp\nThe following packages will be DOWNGRADED:\n freeradius freeradius-common freeradius-krb5 freeradius-ldap\n freeradius-mysql freeradius-utils libfreeradius3\n0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 7 downgraded, 0 to remove and 134 not upgraded.\n", "stdout_lines": ["Reading package lists...", "Building dependency tree...", "Reading state information...", "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:", " freetds-common libct4", "Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.", "Suggested packages:", " freeradius-postgresql snmp", "The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:", " freeradius freeradius-common freeradius-krb5 freeradius-ldap", " freeradius-mysql freeradius-utils libfreeradius3", "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 7 downgraded, 0 to remove and 134 not upgraded."]} to retry, use: --limit @/root/workspace/radiusdesk-installer/rd-installer-ansible.retry

PLAY RECAP *****localhost : ok=42 changed=20 unreachable=0 failed=1