Closed mufidu closed 7 months ago
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I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.
✓ Edit
Create models/User.js with contents:
• Create a new file "models/User.js" for the user model.
• Import 'mongoose' from the dependencies.
• Define a User schema with fields for email, password, and any other relevant user information.
• Use mongoose to create and export the User model based on the defined schema.
✓ Edit
Check models/User.js with contents:
Ran GitHub Actions for 5473d73e1de80fca09f901490b7b7011bd683e2c:
✓ Edit
Create middleware/auth.js with contents:
• Create a new file "middleware/auth.js" for the authentication middleware.
• Import 'jsonwebtoken' to verify tokens.
• Define middleware that checks for a valid JWT token in the request headers. If valid, proceed to the next middleware; otherwise, return an unauthorized error.
• Export the authentication middleware.
✓ Edit
Check middleware/auth.js with contents:
Ran GitHub Actions for c28d4f130f01674003c830c3f2e514810141a9ba:
✓ Edit
Create routes/authRoutes.js with contents:
• Create a new file "routes/authRoutes.js" for user registration and login routes.
• Import Express, the User model from "models/User.js", and the authentication middleware from "middleware/auth.js".
• Use Express Router to define routes for user registration and login.
• In the registration route, hash the user's password before saving the user to the database.
• In the login route, compare the provided password with the hashed password in the database. If they match, generate and return a JWT token.
• Protect any routes as necessary using the authentication middleware.
• Export the router.
✓ Edit
Check routes/authRoutes.js with contents:
Ran GitHub Actions for cce43aea9ec6ce649c50cceb4da1375fa5e022f9:
✓ Edit
Modify package.json with contents:
• Add "bcryptjs" and "jsonwebtoken" to the dependencies section for password hashing and JWT handling, respectively.
• Add "express-session" to the dependencies for session management.
• This modification is necessary to securely handle user passwords and manage user sessions.
--- +++ @@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ }, "homepage": "", "dependencies": { + "bcryptjs": "^2.4.3", "eta": "^1.12.3", "express": "^4.17.2", + "express-session": "^1.17.2", + "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1", "method-override": "^3.0.0", "mongoose": "^6.2.1", "morgan": "^1.10.0",
✓ Edit
Check package.json with contents:
Ran GitHub Actions for 3c62a35a032d492b6a9b6cc66208b6316801d3e6:
✓ Edit
Modify app.js with contents:
• Import the router from "routes/authRoutes.js".
• Use Express middleware to parse JSON bodies.
• Use the imported router for handling routes prefixed with "/auth".
• This modification integrates the user authentication routes into the application.
--- +++ @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const Book = require("./models/book"); const morgan = require("morgan"); +const authRoutes = require("./routes/authRoutes"); require("./db"); @@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ app.use(express.json()); app.use(methodOverride("_method")); app.use(morgan("dev")); +app.use("/auth", authRoutes); const categories = Book.schema.path("category").enumValues;
✓ Edit
Check app.js with contents:
Ran GitHub Actions for 3da257969cedeaa1d3ca1010bb45584bc3d0d871:
I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/implement_user_authentication
💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description. Something wrong? Let us know.
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Implement user authentication to allow users to have personalized book lists and preferences later.
- [X] Create `models/User.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `models/User.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Create `middleware/auth.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `middleware/auth.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Create `routes/authRoutes.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `routes/authRoutes.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Modify `package.json` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `package.json` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Modify `app.js` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `app.js` ✓ [Edit](