muflone / gespeaker

A text to speech GTK+ front-end for eSpeak and mbrola to play a text in many languages with settings for voice, pitch, volume and speed
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Follow Text Feature #31

Closed muflone closed 11 years ago

muflone commented 11 years ago

When text is read, highlight the current text gespeaker is reading. It is a good feature, so we can see which part of text is currently reading.

I see this feature in espeaker-gui. It will be a great feature if we can get it in gespeaker

muflone commented 11 years ago

that feature cannot be implemented because espeak won't give feedback about current progress on speech.

espeaker-gui uses a totally different approach to handle the text, its author is actually writing a library to wrap espeak functions, he won't use the existing espeak application, like gespeaker is doing. this is the reason for espeak-gui slow progress. He must before add the feature on its library then use them in the gui. If eventually its author will release a stable version of python-espeak and this package will be officially included in debian/ubuntu repository such feature could be solved. At the present stage this is impossible to solve.

I proposed a playing queue so the text will be split in multiple paragraphs and highlight could be done by pharagraph, not by words. See issue #15