muga / msgpack-java-0.7

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readValue(Unpacker) called instead of readValue() #2

Open tux-mind opened 10 years ago

tux-mind commented 10 years ago

hi, i found a bug in your msgpack implementation. i'm working with the msfrpcd, which encode data though msgpack. it encode exceptions too. i think that you should call readValue() and not readValue(uc) here: the data i receive:

{"error":true,"error_class":"ArgumentError","error_string":"Invalid Message Format","error_backtrace":["lib/msf/core/rpc/v10/service.rb:121:in `process'","lib/msf/core/rpc/v10/service.rb:89:in `on_request_uri'","lib/msf/core/rpc/v10/service.rb:71:in `block in start'","lib/rex/proto/http/handler/proc.rb:38:in `call'","lib/rex/proto/http/handler/proc.rb:38:in `on_request'","lib/rex/proto/http/server.rb:355:in `dispatch_request'","lib/rex/proto/http/server.rb:289:in `on_client_data'","lib/rex/proto/http/server.rb:149:in `block in start'","lib/rex/io/stream_server.rb:48:in `call'","lib/rex/io/stream_server.rb:48:in `on_client_data'","lib/rex/io/stream_server.rb:192:in `block in monitor_clients'","lib/rex/io/stream_server.rb:190:in `each'","lib/rex/io/stream_server.rb:190:in `monitor_clients'","lib/rex/io/stream_server.rb:73:in `block in start'","lib/rex/thread_factory.rb:22:in `call'","lib/rex/thread_factory.rb:22:in `block in spawn'","lib/msf/core/thread_manager.rb:100:in `call'","lib/msf/core/thread_manager.rb:100:in `block in spawn'"],"error_message":"Invalid Message Format"}

the exception i got:

org.msgpack.MessageTypeException: Map is end but readMapEnd() is not called
     at org.msgpack.unpacker.UnpackerStack.checkCount(
     at org.msgpack.unpacker.Converter.readValue(
     at org.msgpack.unpacker.UnpackerIterator.hasNext(

my code:

                case MAP:
                    out = new HashMap(conv.readMapBegin());
                    i = conv.iterator();

the exception is thrown within the hasNext() method, so isn't the second next() call, that is unchecked. using a debugger i found that the exception is thrown after i successfully read everything and i should get `false' from the hasNext() method. here you are some extra info from my debugger about the iterator object:

hope this helps. -- tux_mind

open source rocks ;)

oza commented 10 years ago

Thank you for reporting, @tux-mind. Could you tell me the version of msgpack-java you're using? Are you using version 0.7?

tux-mind commented 10 years ago

5b41360cbeb8af21fc9f0c1757baabe9 msgpack-rpc-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT.jar if you point me out where i can find a quick reference on how to compile the jar from your repo i will do that and i'll report everything you need. btw i just pushed my code: it's an android app but i think that the bugs it's on the Array inside a Map "parsing", not an android stuff. thanks for your work @oza :)