muhamedzeema / appgallery-deply-action

6 stars 7 forks source link

Error: [AppGalleryConnectPublishService]The package is being compiled, please try again in 3-5 minutes #8

Open xforcarlos opened 1 year ago

xforcarlos commented 1 year ago

Salam Alkom @muhamedzeema the uploaded success but submitted failed with error below

 Error: [AppGalleryConnectPublishService]The package is being compiled, please try again in 3-5 minutes
Run muhamedzeema/appgallery-deply-action@main
    client-id: ***
    client-key: ***
    app-id: ***
    file-extension: apk
    file-path: android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
    file-name: parent-[2](****).1.1
    submit: true
     _                       ____           _   _                       
    / \     _ __    _ __    / ___|   __ _  | | | |   ___   _ __   _   _ 
   / _ \   | '_ \  | '_ \  | |  _   / _` | | | | |  / _ \ | '__| | | | |
  / ___ \  | |_) | | |_) | | |_| | | (_| | | | | | |  __/ | |    | |_| |
 /_/   \_\ | .__/  | .__/   \____|  \__,_| |_| |_|  \___| |_|     \__, |
           |_|     |_|                                            |___/ 
Obtaining a Token .... ⌛️
Get Upload URL .... ⌛️
Upload files .... ⤴️
upload successful ✅✅
Update App File Info .... ⌛️
successfully uploaded 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Submitting .... ⌛️
[AppGalleryConnectPublishService]The package is being compiled, please try again in [3]([5]( minutes
Error: [AppGalleryConnectPublishService]The package is being compiled, please try again in 3-5 minutes
robocoder commented 7 months ago

It looks like this was fixed in this fork:

abdlrhmanshehatamoussa commented 1 week ago

@muhamedzeema Issue is still there Any ideas how to fix please 🙏 I can help fixing also if you guide me

abdlrhmanshehatamoussa commented 1 week ago

Maybe we need to add some delay between upload and submit

muhamedzeema commented 1 week ago

@abdlrhmanshehatamoussa did you tried this fork * ?

abdlrhmanshehatamoussa commented 1 week ago

No, just realised this fork Trying it now ...

abdlrhmanshehatamoussa commented 1 week ago

The error is no longer showing but I got another error, probably because I have an existing version in review.

I will try again after some time to test and will post the result

Thanks for follow up 🙏