muhammad-maged / project-managment

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Sweep: create a model called "Sprint" and create a SprintController with all crud operations using repository design pattern #5

Open muhammad-maged opened 11 months ago

muhammad-maged commented 11 months ago


No response

sweep-ai[bot] commented 11 months ago

Here's the PR!

⚡ Sweep Free Trial: I used GPT-4 to create this ticket. You have 1 GPT-4 tickets left for the month and 0 for the day. For more GPT-4 tickets, visit our payment portal.To get Sweep to recreate this ticket, leave a comment prefixed with "sweep:" or edit the issue.

Step 1: 🔍 Code Search

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

Step 2: 🧐 Snippet Analysis

From looking through the relevant snippets, I decided to make the following modifications:

File Path Proposed Changes
app/Sprint.php Use the Artisan command "php artisan make:model Sprint" to create this model. Define the properties of the Sprint model in this file.
app/Http/Controllers/SprintController.php Use the Artisan command "php artisan make:controller SprintController" to create this controller. Add methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting Sprint instances.
app/Repositories/SprintRepository.php Create this file manually. This repository should contain methods for interacting with the database, which the SprintController will use.
database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_sprints_table.php Use the Artisan command "php artisan make:migration create_sprints_table --create=sprints" to create this migration file. Define the structure of the "sprints" table in this file.

Step 3: 📝 Planning

I have created a plan for writing the pull request. I am now working my plan and coding the required changes to address this issue. Here is the planned pull request:

Create Sprint model and SprintController with CRUD operations using repository design pattern sweep/sprint-controller


This pull request adds the following changes:

  • Created a new model called "Sprint" in the app directory.
  • Created a new controller called "SprintController" in the app/Http/Controllers directory.
  • Added methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting Sprint instances in the SprintController.
  • Created a new repository called "SprintRepository" in the app/Repositories directory.
  • Added methods for interacting with the database in the SprintRepository.
  • Created a migration file xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_sprints_table.php in the database/migrations directory to define the structure of the "sprints" table.


This pull request addresses the issue #5 by adding the necessary code to create a new model called "Sprint" and a corresponding controller "SprintController" with all CRUD operations using the repository design pattern. The code follows the Laravel framework conventions and provides a clean and organized structure for managing Sprint instances in the project.

Step 4: ⌨️ Coding

File Instructions Progress
app/Sprint.php Use the Artisan command "php artisan make:model Sprint" to create this model. Define the properties of the Sprint model in this file. ✅ Commit cc54f3a
app/Http/Controllers/SprintController.php Use the Artisan command "php artisan make:controller SprintController" to create this controller. Add methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting Sprint instances. ✅ Commit a764144
app/Repositories/SprintRepository.php Create this file manually. This repository should contain methods for interacting with the database, which the SprintController will use. ✅ Commit c544e84
database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_sprints_table.php Use the Artisan command "php artisan make:migration create_sprints_table --create=sprints" to create this migration file. Define the structure of the "sprints" table in this file. ✅ Commit c544e84 I have finished coding the issue. I am now reviewing it for completeness.

Step 5: 🔁 Code Review

Here are the my self-reviews of my changes at sweep/sprint-controller_1.

Here is the 1st review

No changes required. The code changes in all the files appear to be correct with no errors or unimplemented sections. Well done!

I finished incorporating these changes.

To recreate the pull request, leave a comment prefixed with "sweep:" or edit the issue. Join Our Discord

muhammad-maged commented 11 months ago

sweep: create a pull request