muhammed / mini-player
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Open mikoloism opened 3 years ago

mikoloism commented 3 years ago

Hi @muhammed :hand:

this player is very good :star_struck:

so much beautify, but at this repo need an screenshot and link of that codepen :heart:

NOTE: i know you added pen link, at description but, in file

your friend, Miko :+1:

pb91yogesh commented 2 years ago

from where u take this from where u take this code icon-heart-o

      <path d="M16 30.144c-0.32 0-0.64-0.096-0.896-0.256-7.296-4.576-15.104-10.048-15.104-17.344 0-7.008 4.576-10.688 9.12-10.688 2.656 0 5.152 1.216 6.88 3.392 1.728-2.144 4.224-3.392 6.88-3.392 4.544 0 9.12 3.68 9.12 10.688 0 7.296-7.808 12.768-15.104 17.344-0.256 0.16-0.576 0.256-0.896 0.256zM9.12 2.048c-4.448 0-8.928 3.616-8.928 10.496 0 7.168 7.744 12.64 15.008 17.152 0.48 0.288 1.12 0.288 1.568 0 7.264-4.544 15.008-9.984 15.008-17.152 0-6.88-4.48-10.496-8.928-10.496-2.656 0-5.088 1.216-6.816 3.392l-0.032 0.128-0.064-0.096c-1.696-2.176-4.192-3.424-6.816-3.424zM16 26.688l-0.064-0.032c-3.808-2.4-12.768-8.032-12.768-14.112 0-5.152 3.072-7.52 5.952-7.52 2.432 0 4.48 1.536 5.504 4.096 0.224 0.576 0.768 0.928 1.376 0.928s1.152-0.384 1.376-0.928c1.024-2.56 3.072-4.096 5.504-4.096 2.848 0 5.952 2.336 5.952 7.52 0 6.080-8.96 11.712-12.768 14.112l-0.064 0.032zM9.12 5.248c-2.752 0-5.728 2.304-5.728 7.328 0 5.952 8.8 11.488 12.608 13.92 3.808-2.4 12.608-7.968 12.608-13.92 0-5.024-2.976-7.328-5.728-7.328-2.336 0-4.32 1.472-5.312 3.968-0.256 0.64-0.864 1.056-1.568 1.056s-1.312-0.416-1.568-1.056c-0.992-2.496-2.976-3.968-5.312-3.968z"></path>
      <path d="M6.816 20.704c0.384 0.288 0.512 0.704 0.48 1.12 0.224 0.256 0.384 0.608 0.384 0.96 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.064 0.16 0.128 0.32 0.256 0.48 0.384 0.128 0.064 0.256 0.16 0.384 0.256 0.096 0.064 0.192 0.16 0.256 0.224 0.8 0.576 1.632 1.12 2.496 1.664 0.416 0.128 0.8 0.256 1.056 0.32 1.984 0.576 4.064 0.8 6.112 0.928 2.688-1.92 5.312-3.904 8-5.792 0.896-1.088 1.92-2.080 2.912-3.104v-7.552c-0.096-0.128-0.192-0.288-0.32-0.416-0.768-1.024-1.184-2.176-1.6-3.296-0.768-0.416-1.536-0.8-2.336-1.12-0.128-0.064-0.256-0.096-0.384-0.16h-21.568v12.992c1.312 0.672 2.496 1.6 3.648 2.528z"></path>
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      <path d="M16 30.144c-0.32 0-0.64-0.096-0.896-0.256-7.296-4.576-15.104-10.048-15.104-17.344 0-7.008 4.576-10.688 9.12-10.688 2.656 0 5.152 1.216 6.88 3.392 1.728-2.144 4.224-3.392 6.88-3.392 4.544 0 9.12 3.68 9.12 10.688 0 7.296-7.808 12.768-15.104 17.344-0.256 0.16-0.576 0.256-0.896 0.256zM9.12 2.048c-4.448 0-8.928 3.616-8.928 10.496 0 7.168 7.744 12.64 15.008 17.152 0.48 0.288 1.12 0.288 1.568 0 7.264-4.544 15.008-9.984 15.008-17.152 0-6.88-4.48-10.496-8.928-10.496-2.656 0-5.088 1.216-6.816 3.392l-0.032 0.128-0.064-0.096c-1.696-2.176-4.192-3.424-6.816-3.424zM16 26.688l-0.064-0.032c-3.808-2.4-12.768-8.032-12.768-14.112 0-5.152 3.072-7.52 5.952-7.52 2.432 0 4.48 1.536 5.504 4.096 0.224 0.576 0.768 0.928 1.376 0.928s1.152-0.384 1.376-0.928c1.024-2.56 3.072-4.096 5.504-4.096 2.848 0 5.952 2.336 5.952 7.52 0 6.080-8.96 11.712-12.768 14.112l-0.064 0.032zM9.12 5.248c-2.752 0-5.728 2.304-5.728 7.328 0 5.952 8.8 11.488 12.608 13.92 3.808-2.4 12.608-7.968 12.608-13.92 0-5.024-2.976-7.328-5.728-7.328-2.336 0-4.32 1.472-5.312 3.968-0.256 0.64-0.864 1.056-1.568 1.056s-1.312-0.416-1.568-1.056c-0.992-2.496-2.976-3.968-5.312-3.968z"></path>
mikoloism commented 2 years ago

from where u take this from where u take this code icon-heart-o icon-heart

just write :heart: that work nice, automatically github replace the icon word with :heart:

i hope your question answered :+1: