muhtalhakhan / Hacktoberfest2023

Hacktoberfest 2023 🧑🏻‍💻 OPEN FIRST Pull Request 🎉
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add free AI courses #6

Open muhtalhakhan opened 9 months ago

muhtalhakhan commented 9 months ago

you can add free courses in the folder with a youtube or their site link claiming that.

Location: Repo/Courses/textfile

Ns-SheF commented 9 months ago

Hi, can I take this?

However, I checked the repo and couldn't find the 'Courses' folder. I take it it'll have to be created?

muhtalhakhan commented 9 months ago

@Ns-SheF please check again

Ns-SheF commented 9 months ago


kalaSriSaiRaksha commented 8 months ago

assign me this issue @muhtalhakhan

Saloni0512 commented 8 months ago

Hey I would like to work on this issue