mui / material-ui

Material UI: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design.
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Feature request: navigation rail #19387

Open NawarA opened 4 years ago

NawarA commented 4 years ago

New material component, the navigation rail.


mbrookes commented 4 years ago

Other than a fix for the icon centering issue, is this good enough?

NawarA commented 4 years ago

@mbrookes Hmmm...Doesn't look like it currently conforms to specs.

The Navigation Drawer and Navigation Rail are meant to be separate components, with different specs. They're meant to be used together in a certain way: scroll down to "Navigation drawer"

Also, the Navigation Drawer mini-drawer is not a material design spec, is it? I only see Standard, Modal, and Bottom as part of the Navigation Drawer spec. Perhaps the MUI mini-drawer should eventually be deprecated in v5 and replaced with Navigation Rail?

If Nav Rail gets released in v4, it'll be a minor update with a new namespace (this way people don't experience breaking changes if they're using mini-drawer).

In case you want to use the MUI's Mini-Drawer source to create a Navigation Rail, you'd want to: Step 1 - Conform to specs

Step 2 - Create a new namespace for it, calling it NavigationRail, and placing its z-index below AppBar

Step 3 - you probably know what do better for step 3 than me :)

Hopefully these suggestions were helpful

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

I'm keen to use Navigation Rail and hope this goes ahead. If it does, a few questions:

  1. Any estimates as to when it is likely to be available?
  2. Would it be quicker to 1st implement it in the Framerfx?
  3. Can you make RWD feature a be a prop and appear left, bottom and even right and top?
oliviertassinari commented 4 years ago

@LincMitch I don't think that w will support it before a year, if we ever do. The best case would be to create a standalone repository for it, like developers usually do to fill in important gap:

NawarA commented 4 years ago

I built the Nav Rail for my react app, following the specs.

I could somehow try to export it. Would that be helpful?

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

@NawarA That would be very helpful indeed as I'm more designer than developer. Really just consuming components and hacking at them within Framer X.

oliviertassinari commented 4 years ago

@LincMitch Are you using or did you made your own version?

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

@oliviertassinari Yes that's the one. Ideally, I want to wrap those components to integrate better into Framer X and allow the designer to have more flexibility - else it's hard to get it adopted as is.

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

@NawarA did you manage to export it?

mbrookes commented 4 years ago

@LincMitch What did you have in mind? Those components wrap the Material-UI ones.

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

@mbrookes I see. Well, I want to keep the package as a base and extend it, so would that be a wrap of a wrap? For instance, a simple example is how to add a colour prop to the Snackbar and attach that color coming from the theme component. Or another simple example is adding color to the icon component that is not a current color option.

mblodorn commented 4 years ago

hey there,

@LincMitch, I think you meant to tag @mbrookes

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

Thx @mblodorn

NawarA commented 4 years ago

@LincMitch nah, ive been busy coding, instead of exporting. I'll get to it next week. Is that okay with you, in terms of timing?

LincMitch commented 4 years ago

Of course, no rush. Just appreciate the offer.

TreyOverton commented 3 years ago

@LincMitch nah, ive been busy coding, instead of exporting. I'll get to it next week. Is that okay with you, in terms of timing?

@NawarA Did you ever export your Nav Rail per your offer?

cdavid15 commented 3 years ago

Just looking to see if there is any update / progress on this as I am keen to make use of the new Navigation Rail (assuming it will leave BETA) but wasn't sure on the workflow within Material UI for implementation.

Does the components only get build once they are official guidelines within Material Design?

galah92 commented 2 years ago

Would also want that.

kgregory commented 2 years ago

Just decided that a navigation rail may be worthwhile in our app at work and whipped up this codesandbox which is a close (but not exact) approximation of the material design spec. Here is a screenshot:


It is just a wrapper on BottomNavigation and BottomNavigationAction that reorients the flexbox as a column with some specific sizing applied. I hope this helps!

galah92 commented 2 years ago

@kgregory Amazing! I ended up doing the exact same on my own for now. Good enough for now.

IrrerPolterer commented 11 months ago

I'm curious - what's the reason this isn't implemented officially by MUI yet? Are there specific blockers?

listepo commented 9 months ago

More than 3 years later, is there any understanding of whether and when this will be implemented?

NawarA commented 9 months ago

sorry, ive been busy with my startup.

its super duper easy to make a nav rail, if you follow the material spec.

i'll come back to this in Oct, in case its not solved, and share a snippet with Olivier, et all, if still needed