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[Modal] aria-hidden should not be applied on non-portal modals #19450

Open pnarielwala-tc opened 4 years ago

pnarielwala-tc commented 4 years ago

aria-hidden=true gets applied on top level container when a modal is opened. But if disablePortal is used, aria-hidden should not be set on that top level container as the modal will be created inline and most likely within that top level container

Running axe on the opened modal yields the following error:

"ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements (aria-hidden-focus)"

Fix all of the following: Focusable content should have tabindex='-1' or be removed from the DOM

You can find more information on this issue here:

The dialog element is not a descendant of any element that has aria-hidden set to true.

Current Behavior šŸ˜Æ

  1. Modal with disablePortal prop is opened and aria-hidden is set to true on top level html node

Expected Behavior šŸ¤”

  1. Modal with disablePortal prop is opened and aria-hidden is not set to true on top level html node
  2. Modal without disablePortal prop is opened and aria-hidden is set to true on top level html node

Steps to Reproduce šŸ•¹

Context šŸ”¦

Your Environment šŸŒŽ

Tech Version
Material-UI v4.9.0
React v16.12.0
TypeScript v3.8.0-dev.20200125
oliviertassinari commented 4 years ago

I could have sworn that we had a 6 months old duplicate issue about this problem, but I can't find it, fare enough. Thanks for the report.

dkadrios commented 3 years ago

Has anyone found a suitable workaround for this? It's wreaking havoc with our accessibility efforts.

It doesn't matter if disablePortal is true or false, aria-hidden="true" gets applied regardless. Premptively setting aria-hidden="false" doesn't help either, it just gets overwritten.

I also have a second root container, dedicated to tooltips, that also is getting set to aria-hidden when a dialog is open. I'm assuming it is being applied to all root body components, not just the react container (?)

dkadrios commented 3 years ago

Super hacky but this seems to be working in the short-term:

useEffect(() => {
    if (open) {
        .setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false')
  }, [open])
eps1lon commented 3 years ago

It doesn't matter if disablePortal is true or false, aria-hidden="true" gets applied regardless.

@dkadrios That doesn't sound right. Could you open a separate issue and fill out the template so that we can isolate the problem?

kylewilt commented 3 years ago

This appears to still be an issue on 4.11.0. I've traced it down to here: Modal.js Line 124

The isTopModal function returns false and open is true. It seems that the call to add the current modal to the ModalManager instance doesn't happen early enough.

In my case I'm rendering a

element with open={true} all the time as well as disablePortal being set to true.

Is there a particular reason why this hasn't been addressed other than priority and/or resources?

oliviertassinari commented 3 years ago

@kylewilt What's your use case for using disablePortal?

kylewilt commented 3 years ago

@oliviertassinari if we donā€™t use disablePortal accessibility tools start reporting a lot of problems for screen reader support. Having the dialog appear in the dom outside of the root react node causes you to get errors like missing a ā€œmainā€ element and heading order problems etc. it also tends to complain about hidden input elements.

Thereā€™s really no sane work around in that situation because adding the missing nodes to the dialog creates new errors about repeating main nodes etc. itā€™s basically problematic to put it outside the rest of the tree that the react components for the page live in.

My ā€œinsaneā€ workaround at the moment is to use a web pack plugin to replace the modalmanger.JS import with my own which is a verbatim copy of the original with the ariaHidden function basically being a noop.

mattdemichele-pearson commented 3 years ago

@oliviertassinari Just to chime in on a use case for the disablePortal - I am developing a react app that gets loaded and initialized into a separate page that has existing non-react content, including CSS. I use disablePortal to keep the menus self-contained within my app so that I can ensure proper CSS theming.

This really shouldn't be causing aria-hidden=true to be set to the entire root element. I hope a bug fix can be found

franciscopuyo commented 3 years ago

The aria-hidden=true makes the modal not navigable by a screen reader and also the code not testable by using getByRole in react-testing-library

chittolina commented 2 years ago

any updates on this one?

joshvito commented 2 years ago

We are also experiencing screen reader issues because of this problem!

cordeliadillon commented 2 years ago

We're also running into this issue, particularly with the Menu component, which uses a Popover, which uses a Modal.

It'd be great to have a prop like isModal that controls whether aria-hidden is applied to the other page elements. This could default to true for Modals but could be overridden for Menu and Popover. There are valid reasons for having the underlying page be screen reader accessible when a Menu or Popover is open.

darkgrayknight commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if some of these Modal based components could be non-modal (like the isModal idea noted above). We are needing a floating window/toolbox that can be dragged around and the user able to navigate both controls in the Dialog and on the page and for it all to be accessible.

darkgrayknight commented 2 years ago

This appears to still be an issue on 4.11.0. I've traced it down to here: Modal.js Line 124

The isTopModal function returns false and open is true. It seems that the call to add the current modal to the ModalManager instance doesn't happen early enough.

In my case I'm rendering a element with open={true} all the time as well as disablePortal being set to true.

Is there a particular reason why this hasn't been addressed other than priority and/or resources?

This is still an issue in 5.8.0, code is located here mui-base/src/ModalUnstyled/ModalUnstlyed.js

alexkyle98 commented 2 years ago

Also experiencing this issue when testing a Popover component in testing library which uses the disablePortal prop. A fix would be great.

badalsaibo commented 1 year ago

screen.getByRole('listbox') doesn't work with disabePortal props enabled. To get by, I had to explicitly use data-testid to get the component and assert test.

        disablePortal: true,
        MenuListProps: {
          'data-testid': 'select-options',


blingerson commented 1 year ago

This is also an issue with Drawers (or any other modal) where the container property is used. One example is a contained drawer in a sidenav. When the page loads aria-hidden is added to the root container element of the entire page when the item is opened even though the whole page is still accessible since the drawer is contained. It seems maybe aria-hidden on the container element would make more sense here.

Greg-NetDuma commented 1 year ago

If you have time you can try my fix #34165, after some generic testing it seems to work but I've not tested nested modals that deeply.

eliw00d commented 1 year ago

@kylewilt What's your use case for using disablePortal?

Just to add another use case, I ran into this after running into the Dialog > Select enforce focus issue and using the following workaround:

Using disablePortal fixed the Dialog > Select enforce focus issue but broke role selectors in Playwright due to aria-hidden being true all the time.

darkgrayknight commented 1 year ago

We did implement a workaround with useEffect: useEffect(() => { if (open) { let root = document.getElementById("root"); root?.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"); } }, [open]); basically setting aria-hidden to false.

pietmichal commented 1 year ago

Any updates?

pietmichal commented 1 year ago

That's how I've fixed it. Drop the component anywhere in the tree.

import React from "react";

export function RootAriaLabelMuiBugFix(props: { rootSelector: string }): null {
  const root = document.querySelector(props.rootSelector);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (!root) {
      console.error("RootAriaLabelMuiBugFix couldn't find the element.");

    const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
      if (root.getAttribute("aria-hidden")) {

    observer.observe(root, {
      attributeFilter: ["aria-hidden"],

    return () => {
  }, [root]);

  return null;

Example usage: <RootAriaLabelMuiBugFix rootSelector="#root" />

garyb1 commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?

Another use case is using speech input software like voice control on MacOS, no commands will be picked up. Saying "show numbers" or "click item" will not do anything when a parentNode is aria-hidden and therefore not exposed in the a11y tree.

maximshipko commented 1 year ago

For the workaround, render Modal into the specific container:

<div ref={containerRef}>
  <Modal container={() => containerRef.current} open disablePortal>
jordanarldt commented 9 months ago

@maximshipko That workaround is a bit helpful, but still doesn't work if you have other siblings in the container, or if the container is nested unfortunately.