mui / material-ui

Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever.
MIT License
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Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-material-ui' when running webpack example #3728

Closed dstaley closed 8 years ago

dstaley commented 8 years ago

Problem Description

When running npm start after running npm install in the webpack example, the following error occurs:

Module build failed: Error: Failed to load plugin material-ui: Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-material-ui'

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. git clone --depth 1
  2. cd material-ui/examples/webpack-example/
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

Here's the full output:

/home # git clone --depth 1
Cloning into 'material-ui'...
remote: Counting objects: 1706, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1483/1483), done.
remote: Total 1706 (delta 208), reused 1022 (delta 171), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1706/1706), 1.56 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (208/208), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
/home # cd material-ui/examples/webpack-example/
/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example # npm install
material-ui-example-webpack@0.15.0-alpha.1 /home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example
+-- babel-core@6.7.2
| +-- babel-code-frame@6.7.2
| | +-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
| | +-- js-tokens@1.0.2
| | +-- line-numbers@0.2.0
| | | `-- left-pad@0.0.3
| | `-- repeating@1.1.3
| |   `-- is-finite@1.0.1
| |     `-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
| +-- babel-generator@6.7.2
| | +-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
| | +-- detect-indent@3.0.1
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| | `-- source-map-support@0.2.10
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| +-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | +-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
| | +-- invariant@2.2.1
| | `-- lodash@3.10.1
| +-- babel-types@6.7.2
| | +-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
| | +-- lodash@3.10.1
| | `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.1
| +-- babylon@6.7.0
| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
| +-- convert-source-map@1.2.0
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| | `-- ms@0.7.1
| +-- json5@0.4.0
| +-- lodash@3.10.1
| +-- minimatch@2.0.10
| | `-- brace-expansion@1.1.3
| |   +-- balanced-match@0.3.0
| |   `-- concat-map@0.0.1
| +-- path-exists@1.0.0
| +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.0
| +-- private@0.1.6
| +-- shebang-regex@1.0.0
| +-- slash@1.0.0
| `-- source-map@0.5.3
+-- babel-eslint@5.0.0
| +-- acorn-to-esprima@2.0.8
| +-- lodash.assign@3.2.0
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| | +-- lodash._createassigner@3.1.1
| | | `-- lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9
| | `-- lodash.keys@3.1.2
| |   +-- lodash._getnative@3.9.1
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| `-- lodash.pick@3.1.0
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|   +-- lodash._pickbyarray@3.0.2
|   +-- lodash._pickbycallback@3.0.0
|   | +-- lodash._basefor@3.0.3
|   | `-- lodash.keysin@3.0.8
|   `-- lodash.restparam@3.6.1
+-- babel-loader@6.2.4
| +-- loader-utils@0.2.12
| | `-- big.js@3.1.3
| +-- mkdirp@0.5.1
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| `-- object-assign@4.0.1
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes@6.6.5
| | +-- babel-helper-define-map@6.6.5
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| | | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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|   `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- babel-runtime@5.8.35
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| | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
| | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
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| | `-- typedarray@0.0.6
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| |   | +-- is-path-cwd@1.0.0
| |   | +-- is-path-in-cwd@1.0.0
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| +-- glob@6.0.4
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| +-- globals@8.18.0
| +-- ignore@2.2.19
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| | +-- levn@0.3.0
| | +-- prelude-ls@1.1.2
| | +-- type-check@0.3.2
| | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
| +-- path-is-inside@1.0.1
| +-- pluralize@1.2.1
| +-- progress@1.1.8
| +-- require-uncached@1.0.2
| | +-- caller-path@0.1.0
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| | `-- resolve-from@1.0.1
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| | `-- xregexp@3.1.0
| +-- text-table@0.2.0
| `-- user-home@2.0.0
|   `-- os-homedir@1.0.1
+-- eslint-loader@1.3.0
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+-- html-webpack-plugin@2.10.0
| +-- bluebird@3.3.4
| +-- html-minifier@1.3.0
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| | | +-- constant-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- dot-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- is-lower-case@1.1.3
| | | +-- is-upper-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- lower-case@1.1.3
| | | +-- lower-case-first@1.0.2
| | | +-- param-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- pascal-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- path-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- sentence-case@1.1.3
| | | +-- snake-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- swap-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- title-case@1.1.2
| | | +-- upper-case@1.1.3
| | | `-- upper-case-first@1.1.2
| | +-- clean-css@3.4.10
| | | +-- commander@2.8.1
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| `-- toposort@0.2.12
+-- material-ui@0.15.0-alpha.1
| +-- inline-style-prefixer@0.6.7
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| +-- lodash.merge@4.3.2
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| | +-- lodash._stack@4.1.1
| | +-- lodash.isplainobject@4.0.3
| | +-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
| | `--
| +-- lodash.throttle@4.0.1
| | `-- lodash.debounce@4.0.3
| +-- react-addons-create-fragment@0.14.7
| +-- react-addons-pure-render-mixin@0.14.7
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| +-- recompose@0.15.0
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| +-- simple-assign@0.1.0
| `-- warning@2.1.0
|   `-- loose-envify@1.1.0
+-- react@0.14.7
| +-- envify@3.4.0
| | `-- jstransform@10.1.0
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|   `-- whatwg-fetch@0.9.0
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| `-- source-map@0.4.4
|   `-- amdefine@1.0.0
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| +-- esprima@2.7.2
| +-- interpret@0.6.6
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| | +-- os-browserify@0.1.2
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| | +-- punycode@1.4.0
| | +-- querystring-es3@0.2.1
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| | | `-- isarray@0.0.1
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| |   `-- indexof@0.0.1
| +-- optimist@0.6.1
| | +-- minimist@0.0.10
| | `-- wordwrap@0.0.3
| +-- supports-color@3.1.2
| | `-- has-flag@1.0.0
| +-- tapable@0.1.10
| +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
| | +-- async@0.2.10
| | +-- source-map@0.5.3
| | +-- uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
| | `-- yargs@3.10.0
| |   +-- camelcase@1.2.1
| |   +-- cliui@2.1.0
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| |   +-- decamelize@1.2.0
| |   `-- window-size@0.1.0
| +-- watchpack@0.2.9
| | +-- async@0.9.2
| | `-- chokidar@1.4.3
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| |   | +-- arrify@1.0.1
| |   | `-- micromatch@2.3.7
| |   |   +-- arr-diff@2.0.0
| |   |   | `-- arr-flatten@1.0.1
| |   |   +-- array-unique@0.2.1
| |   |   +-- braces@1.8.3
| |   |   | +-- expand-range@1.8.1
| |   |   | | `-- fill-range@2.2.3
| |   |   | |   +-- is-number@2.1.0
| |   |   | |   +-- isobject@2.0.0
| |   |   | |   | `-- isarray@0.0.1
| |   |   | |   `-- randomatic@1.1.5
| |   |   | +-- preserve@0.2.0
| |   |   | `-- repeat-element@1.1.2
| |   |   +-- expand-brackets@0.1.4
| |   |   +-- extglob@0.3.2
| |   |   +-- filename-regex@2.0.0
| |   |   +-- kind-of@3.0.2
| |   |   | `-- is-buffer@1.1.3
| |   |   +-- normalize-path@2.0.1
| |   |   +-- object.omit@2.0.0
| |   |   | +-- for-own@0.1.3
| |   |   | | `-- for-in@0.1.4
| |   |   | `-- is-extendable@0.1.1
| |   |   +-- parse-glob@3.0.4
| |   |   | +-- glob-base@0.3.0
| |   |   | `-- is-dotfile@1.0.2
| |   |   `-- regex-cache@0.4.2
| |   |     +-- is-equal-shallow@0.1.3
| |   |     `-- is-primitive@2.0.0
| |   +-- async-each@1.0.0
| |   +-- glob-parent@2.0.0
| |   +-- is-binary-path@1.0.1
| |   | `-- binary-extensions@1.4.0
| |   +-- is-glob@2.0.1
| |   | `-- is-extglob@1.0.0
| |   `-- readdirp@2.0.0
| `-- webpack-core@0.6.8
|   +-- source-list-map@0.1.5
|   `-- source-map@0.4.4
`-- webpack-dev-server@1.14.1
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  +-- connect-history-api-fallback@1.1.0
  +-- express@4.13.4
  | +-- accepts@1.2.13
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  | +-- finalhandler@0.4.1
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  | +-- methods@1.1.2
  | +-- on-finished@2.3.0
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  | | +-- forwarded@0.1.0
  | | `-- ipaddr.js@1.0.5
  | +-- qs@4.0.0
  | +-- range-parser@1.0.3
  | +-- send@0.13.1
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  | | `-- statuses@1.2.1
  | +-- serve-static@1.10.2
  | +-- type-is@1.6.12
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  | `-- vary@1.0.1
  +-- http-proxy@1.13.2
  | +-- eventemitter3@1.2.0
  | `-- requires-port@1.0.0
  +-- serve-index@1.7.3
  | +-- accepts@1.2.13
  | | `-- negotiator@0.5.3
  | +-- batch@0.5.3
  | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
  | `-- mime-types@2.1.10
  +-- sockjs@0.3.15
  | +-- faye-websocket@0.9.4
  | | `-- websocket-driver@0.6.4
  | |   `-- websocket-extensions@0.1.1
  | `-- node-uuid@1.4.7
  +-- sockjs-client@1.0.3
  | +-- eventsource@0.1.6
  | | `-- original@1.0.0
  | +-- faye-websocket@0.7.3
  | +-- json3@3.3.2
  | `-- url-parse@1.0.5
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npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.8
/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example # npm start

> material-ui-example-webpack@0.15.0-alpha.1 start /home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example
> webpack-dev-server --config webpack-dev-server.config.js --progress --inline --colors

 70% 1/1 build moduleshttp://localhost:3000/
webpack result is served from /
content is served from src/www
Hash: 5d771ea5b5a5046fbf3c
Version: webpack 1.12.14
Time: 1109ms
chunk    {0} app.js (main) 216 kB [rendered]
    [0] multi main 76 bytes {0} [built] [1 error]
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   [10] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/websocket.js 2.68 kB {0} [built]
   [11] ./~/process/browser.js 2.06 kB {0} [built]
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   [15] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/utils/url.js 975 bytes {0} [built]
   [16] ./~/url-parse/index.js 6.55 kB {0} [built]
   [17] ./~/requires-port/index.js 753 bytes {0} [built]
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   [26] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/browser/websocket.js 58 bytes {0} [built]
   [27] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/xhr-streaming.js 1.25 kB {0} [built]
   [28] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/lib/ajax-based.js 1.31 kB {0} [built]
   [29] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/lib/sender-receiver.js 1.15 kB {0} [built]
   [30] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/lib/buffered-sender.js 2.3 kB {0} [built]
   [31] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/lib/polling.js 1.32 kB {0} [built]
   [32] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/receiver/xhr.js 1.58 kB {0} [built]
   [33] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/sender/xhr-cors.js 343 bytes {0} [built]
   [34] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/browser/abstract-xhr.js 4.67 kB {0} [built]
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   [38] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/sender/xdr.js 2.42 kB {0} [built]
   [39] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/eventsource.js 766 bytes {0} [built]
   [40] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/receiver/eventsource.js 1.58 kB {0} [built]
   [41] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/browser/eventsource.js 37 bytes {0} [built]
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   [46] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/version.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
   [47] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/utils/iframe.js 4.95 kB {0} [built]
   [48] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/utils/object.js 532 bytes {0} [built]
   [49] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/htmlfile.js 710 bytes {0} [built]
   [50] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/receiver/htmlfile.js 2.17 kB {0} [built]
   [51] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/xhr-polling.js 894 bytes {0} [built]
   [52] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/xdr-polling.js 712 bytes {0} [built]
   [53] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/jsonp-polling.js 1.02 kB {0} [built]
   [54] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/receiver/jsonp.js 5.49 kB {0} [built]
   [55] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/sender/jsonp.js 2.46 kB {0} [built]
   [56] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/main.js 11.9 kB {0} [built]
   [57] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/shims.js 18.2 kB {0} [built]
   [58] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/utils/escape.js 2.31 kB {0} [built]
   [59] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/utils/transport.js 1.35 kB {0} [built]
   [60] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/utils/log.js 386 bytes {0} [built]
   [61] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/event/event.js 485 bytes {0} [built]
   [62] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/location.js 177 bytes {0} [built]
   [63] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/event/close.js 295 bytes {0} [built]
   [64] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/event/trans-message.js 292 bytes {0} [built]
   [65] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/info-receiver.js 2.22 kB {0} [built]
   [66] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/transport/sender/xhr-fake.js 456 bytes {0} [built]
   [67] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/info-iframe.js 1.52 kB {0} [built]
   [68] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/info-iframe-receiver.js 791 bytes {0} [built]
   [69] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/info-ajax.js 1.03 kB {0} [built]
   [70] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/iframe-bootstrap.js 2.9 kB {0} [built]
   [71] ./~/sockjs-client/lib/facade.js 723 bytes {0} [built]
   [72] ./~/strip-ansi/index.js 161 bytes {0} [built]
   [73] ./~/ansi-regex/index.js 135 bytes {0} [built]
   [74] (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js 1.85 kB {0} [built]
   [75] (webpack)/hot/log-apply-result.js 813 bytes {0} [built]
   [76] (webpack)/hot/only-dev-server.js 2.25 kB {0} [built]

ERROR in ./src/app/app.jsx
Module build failed: Error: Failed to load plugin material-ui: Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-material-ui'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:339:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:290:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:367:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:16:19)
    at Object.module.exports.load (/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example/node_modules/eslint/lib/config/plugins.js:116:26)
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Object.module.exports.loadAll (/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example/node_modules/eslint/lib/config/plugins.js:134:21)
    at Object.load (/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example/node_modules/eslint/lib/config/config-file.js:443:21)
    at loadConfig (/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example/node_modules/eslint/lib/config.js:67:33)
    at getLocalConfig (/home/material-ui/examples/webpack-example/node_modules/eslint/lib/config.js:129:23)
 @ multi main
webpack: bundle is now VALID.```

This is happening as of e6952c8.
alitaheri commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes I guess the alpha should come out ASAP. this component isn't published yet!

Proyoyo commented 8 years ago

I got the same error running the webpack example

alitaheri commented 8 years ago

It's because we have a custom rule for eslint, but we haven't published the code to npm yet. :sweat_smile:

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

@alitaheri - for material-ui it doesn't need to be published - it's installed locally.

What I'm not entirely sure is why @dstaley is seeing an error when running npm install in the webpack example, which should work standalone. eslint-plugin-material-ui isn't in devDependencies or .eslintrc.

@dstaley, out of curiosity did you try npm-install in material-ui first? (Not that you should have to, but I'm not getting an error here.)

  1. git clone --depth 1
  2. cd material-ui
  3. npm install
  4. cd examples/webpack-example
  5. npm install
  6. npm start
zzzliyang commented 8 years ago

@dstaley I got the same issue and it is because I did not run npm install in material-ui. @mbrookes Thanks for the suggestions. eslint-plugin-material-ui is included only in material-ui/package.json.

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

Thanks @zzzliyang - good to know we have that workaround, but still note sure why it's being looked for in the first place, since the example uses the published Material-UI package from npm, and has its own .eslintrc.

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

Okay, it's this:

I'll add root: true, and we should be good.