Make a button deviate from the button group's variant and/or color
Current behavior 😯
Using the default props of the button group, the button group will try to apply a border to the button in the groups color, rather than adhering to the styling of the button itself.
The inverse happens when applying a different variant to the button group and adding a outlined button within it, which basically recreates #37574.
The buttons seem to rely on the button group styling where they shouldn't.
Expected behavior 🤔
The button defines the styles and color applied to it if they are set, and otherwise use the color and/or variant from the button group.
Context 🔦
Trying to make a button group with spacing where the primary action has a highlighted style.
Latest version
Steps to reproduce 🕹
Link to live example:
Current behavior 😯
Using the default props of the button group, the button group will try to apply a border to the button in the groups color, rather than adhering to the styling of the button itself.
The inverse happens when applying a different variant to the button group and adding a outlined button within it, which basically recreates #37574.
The buttons seem to rely on the button group styling where they shouldn't.
Expected behavior 🤔
The button defines the styles and color applied to it if they are set, and otherwise use the color and/or variant from the button group.
Context 🔦
Trying to make a button group with spacing where the primary action has a highlighted style.
Your environment 🌎
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