mui / material-ui

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[Chip] New component #3870

Closed mbrookes closed 8 years ago

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

New Chip component.


screen cap chips

Still to do:

Closes #1119.

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes I'll create a separate issue for it.

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes this is the pretty severe bug I mentioned:

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes Something I just realised:

  handleMouseEnter = (event) => {

This fires the handleFocus() function, which then fires the props.onFocus handler. The problem here is that we are telling the user that the element has been focussed, when in fact it has just been hovered.

We should try to keep the two event handlers separate -- and use another function if they need to share behaviour.

newoga commented 8 years ago

Just making a note here based on discussion in gitter:

Aside from whether or not hover should trigger shadow by default, the only suggestion I have is to change the font size and weight to 14px and normal/400.

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

Fixed all the things. :)

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

Just playing with this again, and something still doesn't feel right with the "no onTouchTap event" chips.

Should deletable chips have hover state, even though they have no click handler, (i.e. have everything except shadow on click?) I have no clue! 😄

Current behaviour is that they don't change appearance (or pointer) on hover, but they can by focused with the mouse or keyboard, and change color to the focused color.

Other implementations: No states at all. No hover state. Changes color on focus. No shadow when clicked. No pointer change. Only the delete icon has hover state and pointer.

So I think Chip behaves better than all of those...

Edit: Missing (

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes wanna squash the 3 chip commits into 1?

mbrookes commented 8 years ago


nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@callemall/material-ui can we get another set of eyes to review this (properly)? Then we can merge IMO.

oliviertassinari commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes I have only see minor issues. That's a great PR 👍.

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

@oliviertassinari Thanks!

Let me know if that looks okay, and I'll squash.

zachguo commented 8 years ago

Is this going to work with Autocomplete, like rendering Chips in text field at least?

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

@zachguo This is just the chip itself, but an input component would be a natural place to use it.

keremciu commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes @zachguo is there any plan to build an example using autocomplete with chips? I think it is really important for chip component, I will try to build multiple selectable autocomplete with chips maybe we can talk on that?

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@keremciu yes, just not immediately

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes squash the fix all the things

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

@keremciu You could open an issue for that with relevant screenshots, links to other implementations etc.

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

@nathanmarks Done.

mbrookes commented 8 years ago

Any idea why Chip doesn't show in the default coverage report? (Also do we need a couple more tests?)

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago


mbrookes commented 8 years ago

@nathanmarks Yeah, I found that - that's why I asked about adding tests (for those last couple of functions).

The question was why Chip doesn't show in the default coverage report. Just seems odd not to include new modules, tested or otherwise.

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes must be a little bug -- will report it

oliviertassinari commented 8 years ago

@mbrookes That looks us some time. That worth it 🎉 .

Petergatsby commented 8 years ago

This is great- well needed! Thanks @tim

MikeMuxika commented 7 years ago

@mbrookes @nathanmarks, in reference to @keremciu's comment on May 10th:

is there any plan to build an example using autocomplete with chips? I think it is really important for chip component, I will try to build multiple selectable autocomplete with chips maybe we can talk on that?

Is there any update on when examples with Autocomplete and Chips will be made? This use case is of particular interest to myself and I presume many others as well.

mbrookes commented 7 years ago

@muxica I don't believe anyone is working on it.

elodszopos commented 7 years ago

+1 on the Autocomplete chips integration.

mbrookes commented 7 years ago

For anyone still looking that hasn't spotted it in related projects: