mui / material-ui

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[material-ui][Dialog] Tabindex usage #40182

Open Muhamedkaric opened 5 months ago

Muhamedkaric commented 5 months ago


Latest version

Steps to reproduce 🕹

image image You are not using dialog as html element but you probably broke something here... With tabindex I'm not allowed to something like selecting text in tooltip. If I delete tabIndex in devtool I can select text from tooltip.

Current behavior 😯

No response

Expected behavior 🤔

No response

Context 🔦

No response

Your environment 🌎

npx @mui/envinfo ``` Don't forget to mention which browser you used. Output from `npx @mui/envinfo` goes here. ```
mnajdova commented 5 months ago

It doesn't look like this bug report has enough info for one of us to reproduce it. Please provide a CodeSandbox (, a link to a repository on GitHub, or provide a minimal code example that reproduces the problem. Here are some tips for providing a minimal example:

spider9375 commented 3 months ago

I also have issues with this exact tabindex. I am opening a WalletConnect web3Modal inside Dialog and with this tabIndex i am unable to enter value in an input field. If i remove this tabIndex it works.

Setting TransitionProps or PaperProps tabIndex: -1 reverts it with the error in console. Is there a way to override the warning and set tab index to null?