mui / material-ui

Material UI: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design.
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[material-ui] Duplicate class names for components #42103

Open xettri opened 2 weeks ago

xettri commented 2 weeks ago

Steps to reproduce


I've noticed duplicate class names being added to components, such as MuiButton-root, MuiButton-contained, MuiButton-containedPrimary, MuiButton-sizeMedium, MuiButton-containedSizeMedium and MuiButton-colorPrimary. This duplication occurs within the HTML elements, like the button example below. I'm unsure whether this is a bug or expected behavior. Can you clarify whether this duplication is intentional? Similar we can see in almost all component like Checkbox, Select etc

  class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiButton-root MuiButton-contained
    MuiButton-containedPrimary MuiButton-sizeMedium MuiButton-containedSizeMedium
    MuiButton-colorPrimary MuiButton-root MuiButton-contained MuiButton-containedPrimary
    MuiButton-sizeMedium MuiButton-containedSizeMedium
    MuiButton-colorPrimary css-1hw9j7s"
  Contained<span class="MuiTouchRipple-root css-w0pj6f"></span>

Link to live example: This can be seen in MUI-5 doc pages as well

Current behavior

Duplicates values of classes in html

Expected behavior

No duplicate values should be there (if they are not intentionally added)

Your environment

npx @mui/envinfo ``` System: OS: macOS 13.1 Binaries: Node: 16.20.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.20.0/bin/node npm: 8.19.4 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.20.0/bin/npm pnpm: 8.15.6 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.20.0/bin/pnpm Browsers: Chrome: Not Found Edge: Not Found Safari: 16.2 npmPackages: @types/react: ^18.2.47 => 18.2.65 typescript: ^5.3.3 => 5.4.2 ```

Search keywords: Duplicate class