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Migrating to Pigment CSS with react/webpack #43597

Open clairefields15 opened 1 week ago

clairefields15 commented 1 week ago

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Is it possible to migrate to pigment css in a project that uses react/webpack? For various reasons, our project cannot use nextjs or vite but we would like to take advantage of the performance improvements of pigment.


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Search keywords: pigment, react, webpack

mnajdova commented 1 week ago

Yes you can, you can use the @pigment-css/unplugin package.

Here is an example webpack.config.js file:

const { webpack: PigmentPlugin } = require('@pigment-css/unplugin');
const { createTheme } = '@mui/material';

// your custom Material UI theme
const theme = createTheme({ cssVariables: true });

module.exports = {
  // other config
  plugins: [
      transformLibraries: ['@mui/material'],
    // other plugins

We have one example in the Pigment CSS repo, but we should likely add one for Material UI as well. Let me know if the example above is enough for your use-case.

clairefields15 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the response! This did not seem to be enough for our use case, however. Here is our full webpack.config:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
const { webpack: PigmentPlugin } = require('@pigment-css/unplugin');
const { createTheme } = require('@mui/material');

const AccentBlue = '#005373';
const AccentOrange = '#fc601f';
const Gray = '#d2d6d8';
const White = '#ffffff';

const theme = createTheme({
    cssVariables: true,
    palette: {
        primary: {
            main: AccentOrange,
            light: White,
        secondary: {
            main: AccentBlue,
        background: {
            default: Gray,
    typography: {
        fontSize: 12,
        fontFamily: ['Open sans', 'Verdana', 'Sans Serif'].join(','),
        allVariants: {
            fontSize: 12,
            fontFamily: ['Open sans', 'Verdana', 'Sans Serif'].join(','),
    zIndex: {
        drawer: 920000,
        modal: 930000,
        snackbar: 940000,
        tooltip: 950000,
    components: {
        MuiAutocomplete: {
            styleOverrides: {
                listbox: {
                            backgroundColor: Gray,
                            backgroundColor: Gray,
                            backgroundColor: Gray,
        MuiChip: {
            styleOverrides: {
                colorPrimary: {
                    '&.Mui-disabled': {
                        color: '#000000',
                        backgroundColor: Gray,
                        opacity: 0.8,
                colorSecondary: {
                    color: '#FFFFFF',
                    backgroundColor: AccentBlue,
        MuiCircularProgress: {
            styleOverrides: {
                circle: {
                    color: 'grey',
        MuiTypography: {
            styleOverrides: {
                root: {
                    fontFamily: ['Open sans', 'Verdana', 'Sans Serif'].join(
        MuiButton: {
            styleOverrides: {
                root: {
                    fontFamily: ['Open sans', 'Verdana', 'Sans Serif'].join(
        MuiToggleButton: {
            styleOverrides: {
                root: {
                    padding: '0px 7px',

// App directory
const appDirectory = fs.realpathSync(process.cwd());

// Gets absolute path of file within app directory
const resolveAppPath = (relativePath) =>
    path.resolve(appDirectory, relativePath);

// Host
const host = process.env.HOST || '';

const sassLoader = {
    loader: 'sass-loader',

module.exports = ({ mode, env }) => {
    const isModeProduction = mode === 'production';

    const styleLoader = {
        loader: isModeProduction ? MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader : 'style-loader',

    const getEnv = () => {
        if (mode === 'development' && fs.existsSync('./.env.local')) {
            return 'local';
        return env;

    const getOutputFileName = () => {
        return isModeProduction
            ? 'static/js/[name].[contenthash:8].js'
            : 'static/js/bundle.js';

    return {
        entry: './src/index.tsx',
        output: {
            library: 'EdelweissComponents',
            path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'),
            filename: getOutputFileName(),
        devtool: isModeProduction ? undefined : 'eval-source-map',
        ignoreWarnings: [
                    /mini-css-extract-plugin[^]*Conflicting order. Following module has been added:/,
        devServer: {
            // Serve index.html as the base
            static: {
                directory: resolveAppPath('public'),
            // Enable compression
            compress: true,
            // Enable hot reloading
            hot: true,
            server: 'https',
            port: 3000,
            allowedHosts: ['localhost:9999', ''],
            headers: {
                'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
                'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
                    'Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Traceparent, Request-Id',
                    'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS',
        module: {
            rules: [
                    test: /\.tsx?$/,
                    loader: 'ts-loader',
                    options: { configFile: 'tsconfig.json' },
                    test: /\.(sc|c)ss$/i,
                    exclude: /\.module\.(sc|c)ss$/i,
                    use: [
                            loader: 'css-loader',
                    test: /\.module\.(sc|c)ss$/i,
                    use: [
                            loader: 'css-loader',
                            options: {
                                sourceMap: false,
                                modules: {
                                    localIdentName: '[local]___[hash:base64:5]',
                                    exportLocalsConvention: 'camelCaseOnly',
        resolve: {
            extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js'],
        plugins: [
                meta: { type: 'webpack' },
                babelOptions: {
                    presets: [
                transformLibraries: ['@mui/material'],
            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
                inject: true,
                scriptLoading: 'blocking',
                template: resolveAppPath('public/index.html'),
            new Dotenv({
                path: `./.env.${getEnv()}`,
        ].concat(isModeProduction ? [new MiniCssExtractPlugin()] : []),
        optimization: {
            minimize: isModeProduction,
            minimizer: [
                // This is only used in production mode
                new TerserPlugin({
                    terserOptions: {
                        parse: {
                            // we want terser to parse ecma 8 code. However, we don't want it
                            // to apply any minfication steps that turns valid ecma 5 code
                            // into invalid ecma 5 code. This is why the 'compress' and 'output'
                            // sections only apply transformations that are ecma 5 safe
                            ecma: 8,
                        compress: {
                            ecma: 5,
                            warnings: false,
                            // Disabled because of an issue with Uglify breaking seemingly valid code:
                            // Pending further investigation:
                            comparisons: false,
                            // Disabled because of an issue with Terser breaking valid code:
                            // Pending futher investigation:
                            inline: 2,
                        mangle: {
                            safari10: true,
                        output: {
                            ecma: 5,
                            comments: false,
                            // Turned on because emoji and regex is not minified properly using default
                            ascii_only: true,
        performance: false,

And the error I am seeing when I try to run the project:

[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of [path-to-node-modules]/@mui/icons-material/esm/index.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB. node:internal/process/promises:289 triggerUncaughtException(err, true / fromPromise /); ^ [path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/module.js:224 throw new EvalError(${e.message} in${this.callstack.join('\n| ')}); ^ EvalError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'StyledEngineProvider') in [path-to-node-modules]/@mui/material/node/index.js
| [path-to-file]/CreateOrEditOrderForm/CreateOrEditOrderStepOne.tsx at Module.evaluate ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/module.js:224:13) at require.Object.assign.ensure ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/module.js:118:7) at newRequire ([path-to-node-modules]/@pigment-css/unplugin/build/index.js:104:12) at [path-to-file]/CreateOrEditOrderForm/CreateOrEditOrderStepOne.tsx:7:17 at [path-to-file]/CreateOrEditOrderForm/CreateOrEditOrderStepOne.tsx:70:3 at Script.runInContext (node:vm:134:12) at Module.evaluate ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/module.js:209:14) at evaluate ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/evaluators/index.js:14:5) at BaseAction.evalFile ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/generators/evalFile.js:35:43) at () at [path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/BaseAction.js:66:78 at EventEmitter.action ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/utils/EventEmitter.js:25:22) at BaseAction.emitAction ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/BaseAction.js:131:39) at nextFn ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/BaseAction.js:66:32) at processNext ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/BaseAction.js:111:28) at ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/BaseAction.js:120:9) at asyncActionRunner ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/actionRunner.js:39:102) at async asyncActionRunner ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform/actions/actionRunner.js:46:22) at async Object.transform ([path-to-node-modules]/@wyw-in-js/transform/lib/transform.js:107:20) at async Object.transform ([path-to-node-modules]/@pigment-css/unplugin/build/index.js:268:24) at async Object.transform ([path-to-node-modules]/@pigment-css/unplugin/node_modules/unplugin/dist/webpack/loaders/transform.js:114:15)

clairefields15 commented 1 week ago

I switched from named to default imports for all my mui icons and it resolved this error:

[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of [path-to-node-modules]/@mui/icons-material/esm/index.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.

brijeshb42 commented 6 days ago

@clairefields15 Could you share a repo for me to take a look at ?

clairefields15 commented 3 days ago

@brijeshb42 this was a bit challenging, because the repo is an enterprise project so I can't share all of it. I was able to spin up a small project with a very similar structure and when I added the <CloseModalButton/> component, saw an error that pointed to the same @wyw-in-js package as I am seeing in my enterprise project. Here is a link to the repo:

I will continue to add components to the repo to attempt to replicate the same error as I see in my other project. In the other project I see:

      throw new EvalError(`${e.message} in${this.callstack.join('\n| ')}\n`);
EvalError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'StyledEngineProvider') inC:\node_modules\@mui\material\node\index.js

In the test repo I see

      throw new EvalError(`${e.message} in${this.callstack.join('\n| ')}\n`);

EvalError: _interopRequireDefault is not a function inC:\node_modules\@mui\material\node\styles\createPalette.js
clairefields15 commented 2 days ago

I updated this test repo and the error with the StyledEngineProvider occurred the first time I tried to run the app with the modal component included. Commenting the modal component in and out can sometimes reproduces the error, but it is inconsistent. What is consistent is an error "cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'modal')" which is mystifying because I don't personally see anything wrong in the code. When I console.log theme however it is undefined? So I am wondering if the import for useTheme that was suggested in the pigment migration guide would be different for pigment/unplugin