mui / mui-design-kits

The public feature and bug tracker for the MUI Design kits and Connect Figma plugin.
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You have a new comment on Material UI for Figma (and MUI X) by Diarmuid #306

Closed mui-bot2 closed 3 months ago

mui-bot2 commented 3 months ago
Figma You have a new comment on Material UI for Figma (and MUI X)
Hi goadrian I'm noticing some unusual behavior when using the stack component and changing between light and dark modes. Components that are used in the stack component are not changing colors when switching between modes. You need to click down into the nested component before it changes color, or else refresh the page for it to work. When switching back to light mode again, you need to refresh the page again for these components to change back to light color mode. Have you experienced this issue?
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adrianmanea commented 3 months ago

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Hi yes I have experienced these bugs as well, I think Figma is not that well prepared for this type of workflow with and nested instances unfortunately. Sometimes, if you want to see the new changes you have to literally click each text for the node to update. It is quite frustrating. A solution someone suggested is what you just mentioned, right click on the file tab -> reload.