mui / mui-design-kits

The public feature and bug tracker for the MUI Design kits and Connect Figma plugin.
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You have a new comment on Material UI for Figma (and MUI X) by Julia Wester #321

Closed mui-bot2 closed 2 months ago

mui-bot2 commented 2 months ago
Figma You have a new comment on Material UI for Figma (and MUI X)
Julia Wester
Hey, I'm a relative newbie to using this design kit and figma overall. I'm wondering the best way to manage updates. When I downloaded the kit I made a copy in each team (we use teams for products) as each has its own themes, etc. What's the best way to ensure all the new goodies/fixes/etc are integrated into the files I'm using?
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adrianmanea commented 2 months ago

Answered on the community:

Hi @juliawester updates should be manually handled, unfortunately. We ship quarterly updates and we recommend updating when it is absolutely necessary as it requires doing the process of customisation all over again.