mui / mui-design-kits

The public feature and bug tracker for the MUI Design kits and Connect Figma plugin.
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You have a new comment on Material UI for Figma (and MUI X) by Yuli #325

Closed mui-bot2 closed 2 months ago

mui-bot2 commented 2 months ago
Figma You have a new comment on Material UI for Figma (and MUI X)
Thank you goadrian. One more questions I have: for the paid templates on MUI shop (f.e. "Materio") are these figma files linked with the current MUI design system, or you created and modified completely the components library? what would be your suggestion, how to proceed if I want one file as a library (ideally design system) and one figma file with the screens (that is Materio)
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adrianmanea commented 2 months ago

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Hi @yulii, in the paid version of this DS, each template comes with its own IP, meaning that all the paid templates on the MUI shop feature a distinct version of the MUI Material library. Consequently, if you choose to purchase one of these templates, it's likely that you'll need to redesign all the screens utilizing this specific library.