mui / mui-toolpad

Toolpad Studio: Low-code admin builder. Open-source and powered by MUI.
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[code components] Support building components with adjustable height #3332

Open Janpot opened 1 month ago

Janpot commented 1 month ago


It should be possible for code components to be height adjustable, just like the built-in Chart/DataGrid. Perhaps the component definition could support a verticallyResizable property or something?


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I'm trying to build a custom variant of the DataGrid, but I can't achieve feature parity to the built-in DataGrid because I can't make it vertically resizable

Search keywords: code component height

apedroferreira commented 1 month ago

I may not have realized by adding this change that I made it so that it's not possible to make a custom component vertically resizable...

An easy first step would be to replace this component whitelist with an opt-in prop, as you said - actually this list of components inside a component wasn't a great solution... Besides that we can definitely discuss this whole topic more deeply - I was working on improving vertical resizing but it still had some difficult bugs/issues and so it needs some more time/work dedicated to it.