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[charts] Rounded corners on BarChart #12834

Open JCQuintas opened 2 weeks ago

JCQuintas commented 2 weeks ago

Initial Proposal


Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 17 07 55

resolves #12220 resolves #12947


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JCQuintas commented 1 week ago

@alexfauquette can you take a look at the code again? Documentation is still missing, but I want to be sure I'm on the right path before documenting the behaviours.

It took me a while to figure out how the mask could work with the animation, but the trick was to animate everything together 😅, there are some unnecessary masks, but I don't think they should be a problem.

There were two options I could go for in terms of masking

I chose to mask the entire column as I assume it gives more flexibility to the radius, as you can really make the columns round, although you probably shouldn't. If we put the mask only on the last item, if the item is very small or non-existant it would probably break and we would need more logic to figure everything out. Only drawbacks I see is that we have to use one mask for every segment, rather than one for the entire column, but it works and animation is aligned. Another "drawback" but this would be in any solution, is that if the "column" is smaller than the chosen radius, it will "clamp" the radius to the height of the column, which might look odd, but there is no other way around it.

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 12 49 51

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 12 50 55

JCQuintas commented 4 days ago

from SVG with the following structure

codesandbox example

It doesn't work if we have multiple charts in the same page that have the same id/order. That was my first attempt actually. But svg ids follow the same rules as HTML, and are unique to the entire page.

I can just use useChartId which generates a unique id for each chart 😅

JCQuintas commented 2 days ago

@noraleonte @LukasTy I believe I addressed most if not all of @alexfauquette points. So please review when possible.