mui / mui-x

MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
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[DataGrid] Change isCellEditable params type #12896

Open atomheartother opened 3 weeks ago

atomheartother commented 3 weeks ago

Hi MUI-X team, thanks for your hard work.

I believe I have come across an incorrect type for isCellEditable's params, see the diff.

The bug

As the types currently are on master (and in production) , params.row is any, meaning any typo or wrong property on params.row won't be picked up by TS, despite users' efforts to type their grid strongly:


This also means params.value is, I believe, incorrectly typed, making it look like the value has the row's type (which it shouldn't):


The fix

With my fairly simple MR, Typescript understands what's happening and warns the user against potential bug:


That's pretty much it.

mui-bot commented 3 weeks ago

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