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[pickers][DatePicker] Allow same date to be selected with `onChange` event fired #12903

Open AgrYpn1a opened 3 weeks ago

AgrYpn1a commented 3 weeks ago


I am using a StaticDatePIcker in a custom dropdown menu which needs to be closed after the day has been selected. I am using onChange to detect that selection, however, if I press on the same day (which is still a valid use case, because I want to confirm that I want to use the already selected day) the onChange is not triggered.

I saw that there used to be a prop called allowSameDateSelection that allows for that behaviour but for some reason it is removed. Is there any other way to achieve this without customising the days renderer or similar?


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Search keywords: static date picker

michelengelen commented 3 weeks ago

Well, technically this is correct behaviour, since the value does not change. @LukasTy can we provide a different "point of entry" for this? Maybe with

AgrYpn1a commented 2 weeks ago

@michelengelen Thanks for the fast response, indeed it is, but I still need a way to detect that user has clicked on that day in the calendar.

michelengelen commented 2 weeks ago

That's where @LukasTy could be of help. 👍🏼

codemasterblackperl commented 2 weeks ago

@michelengelen as @AgrYpn1a mentioned, in v5 pickers we can detect same-day selection. We built our scheduling system based on this behavior. Same-day selection provided the toggling functionality. The toggling functionality broke when we tried to update the x-date pickers to v6 because it is no longer firing the selected day if you click on it again.

It would be great to have this function back

michelengelen commented 2 weeks ago

OK, I will add this to the board. 👍🏼

I do not think that we might want to fire an onChange as technically the value did not change, but we are likely to find another solution for this.