mui / mui-x

MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
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[data grid] A GridFilterOperator with InputComponent set has inconsistent behavior #13280

Open ZzzZeta opened 1 month ago

ZzzZeta commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce

Link to live example:

A: A filter is always created with undefined value when open the panel.


  1. Click the filter button. The panel is opened and a filter is created with undefined value but filter indicator is not displayed.
     "items": [
         "field": "firstName",
         "operator": "contains",
         "id": 78333
     "logicOperator": "and",
     "quickFilterValues": [],
     "quickFilterLogicOperator": "and"
  2. Close the panel and nothing changed.

B: If input value is not undefined, delete a filter requires 2 delete clicks


  1. Click filter.
    1. Input anything
      "items": [
          "field": "firstName",
          "operator": "contains",
          "id": 3327,
          "value": "dsadsa",
          "fromInput": ":rsp:"
      "logicOperator": "and",
      "quickFilterValues": [],
      "quickFilterLogicOperator": "and"
    2. Input anything and then delete all characters.
      "items": [
          "field": "firstName",
          "operator": "contains",
          "id": 3327,
          "value": "",
          "fromInput": ":rs3:"
      "logicOperator": "and",
      "quickFilterValues": [],
      "quickFilterLogicOperator": "and"
  2. Click the delete button and the filter (input) value is actually set to undefined rather than deleting the filter. The filter indicator is gone.
     "items": [
         "field": "firstName",
         "operator": "contains",
         "id": 83466,
         "fromInput": ":rp1:"
     "logicOperator": "and",
     "quickFilterValues": [],
     "quickFilterLogicOperator": "and"
  3. Click the delete button again. The filter is finally deleted and the panel is closed.
     "items": [],
     "logicOperator": "and",
     "quickFilterValues": [],
     "quickFilterLogicOperator": "and"

Current behavior

Explained in steps to reproduce.

Expected behavior


Filtering behavior should be consistent.

Your environment

npx @mui/envinfo ``` System: OS: Linux 6.1 Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 12 (bookworm) Binaries: Node: 20.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/node npm: 9.8.1 - /usr/local/bin/npm pnpm: 8.10.2 - /usr/local/share/npm-global/bin/pnpm Browsers: Chrome: Not Found npmPackages: @emotion/react: 11.11.4 => 11.11.4 @emotion/styled: 11.11.5 => 11.11.5 @mui/material: 5.15.18 => 5.15.18 @mui/x-data-grid: 7.5.1 => 7.5.1 @types/react: 18.2.38 => 18.2.38 react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 react-dom: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 typescript: 4.4.4 => 4.4.4 ```

Search keywords: GridFilterOperator

michelengelen commented 1 month ago

Hey @ZzzZeta ... thanks for raising this. It seems we are a bit inconsistent here, since it does work the way you would expect it when using multi-filters. I will add this to the board for the team to have a look! 👍🏼