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MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
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[data grid] Deep filter in data grid master details #13505

Open achoud444 opened 1 week ago

achoud444 commented 1 week ago


I am mui data grid table with master details. Now I want to use filter with parent table and it should work on the child table as well which works fine with the below code.

const initialState = useKeepGroupedColumnsHidden({
        initialState: {
            filter: {
                filterModel: {
                    items: [],
                    quickFilterValues: ["firs"],
                    quickFilterLogicOperator: GridLogicOperator.Or
    const initialStateContentPanel = useKeepGroupedColumnsHidden({
        initialState: {
            filter: {
                filterModel: {
                    items: [],
                    quickFilterValues: ["firs"],
                    quickFilterLogicOperator: GridLogicOperator.Or

However when it finds something in the child table not in parent then it does not return anything. It should work as row grouping in which whatever we find in the grouped rows it returns. Kindly help

Here is the link what I want.

I want to search on the top table and it should also return and filter the child table when I type something. For example if I search for Mathews it should filter in the child table and return


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Search keywords: Deep filter in data grid master details

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

Hey @achoud444 what you are trying to achieve is currently not possible. Did you consider using tree data or row grouping feature. Here are demos on how this would look like and work:

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

Another way to achieve this would be to add a hidden column with all data from the nested data grid (stringified). here is a comment on a different issue with a demo on how this could look like:

achoud444 commented 1 week ago

Hey, @michelengelen,

I have tried using the but Row Grouping: After grouping the rows, I am unable to access or utilize other common fields within the grouped rows. Tree Data: I am not sure how to implement tree data in this context.

achoud444 commented 1 week ago

Another way to achieve this would be to add a hidden column with all data from the nested data grid (stringified). here is a comment on a different issue with a demo on how this could look like: #12620 (comment)

I'm considering adding a hidden column but I'm uncertain about its efficiency with large datasets.

How well can the data grid handle large amounts of data? For example, is there an estimated number of rows it can efficiently manage?

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

Hey @achoud444 The grid can handle a tremendous amount of data. We have customers using it with datasets that are 5M+

The bottleneck in this case would probably be the parsing of the data to the hidden column.

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

I have tried using the but Row Grouping: After grouping the rows, I am unable to access or utilize other common fields within the grouped rows.

what do you mean by that? It should be possible to use any customization available for the rows as always. Could you elaborate?

Tree Data: I am not sure how to implement tree data in this context.

it really depends on the data structure, but for most cases it should be possible to use it.

achoud444 commented 1 week ago

@michelengelen Please check this.

I want to keep created at only in the grouped row and also the buttons for download in the same row

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

@achoud444 this is something we cannot support ... at least not that I am aware of. @MBilalShafi do you have an idea if we can somehow make this work?

achoud444 commented 1 week ago

@michelengelen Hi! Can I resize the Master(child) table columns to align with the parent columns when the parent is resized?. Code

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

Technically you could listen on the event we use to adjust the column size, but I think this might prove to be quite the performance implication.

I am exploring right now if you can pass in a custom row renderer for the grouping row which could allow you to use a cell renderer for the "common cells" you mentioned

MBilalShafi commented 5 days ago

I want to keep created at only in the grouped row and also the buttons for download in the same row

@achoud444 You can use renderCell to only render the action buttons in the group rows. For the created at column, since every child row has its own value, which value do you want to show in the group row?

renderCell: (params) => {
  if (params.rowNode.depth === 0) {
    // Group node
    return <ActionButtonsComponent />
  return null

I did something similar in this CSB example:

Let me know if it helps.

achoud444 commented 5 days ago

@MBilalShafi Can I do same for the createdAtdate since it is same for the Company?

michelengelen commented 4 days ago

Hey @achoud444 ... yes, you can do the same, but you would need to return the value or formattedValue from the renderCell function if it is not a grouping row!

Thanks for providing the initial demo @MBilalShafi ... I didn't have enough time to finish it! πŸ’™

achoud444 commented 3 days ago

@michelengelen When I use hardcoded value it reflects but when I use params.value it does not work.

    field: "createdAt",
    headerName: "Created at",
    type: "string",
    renderCell: (params) => {
      if (params.rowNode.depth === 0) {
        return (
            {"ashish"}  //when I use params.value it does not work
      return params.value;
michelengelen commented 3 days ago

@achoud444 this is strange. Could you share the code you are using?

achoud444 commented 3 days ago

@michelengelen please have a look link

michelengelen commented 3 days ago

It's not public ... please open it up so I can have a look! πŸ™‡πŸΌ

achoud444 commented 3 days ago

@michelengelen Please check now

michelengelen commented 3 days ago

Ah, thats because for the grouping rows (those have the params.rowNode.depth === 0) there is no value.

This is the place where you would need to add your custom component to display in the grouping row

achoud444 commented 3 days ago

@michelengelen Do you have an example to do that? And why we do not have any staright forward way to do that?

michelengelen commented 3 days ago

Yes, the example was provided by @MBilalShafi here:

You can use the same pattern, but just return params.value or params.formattedValue from the function when params.rowNode.depth !== 0.

michelengelen commented 3 days ago

This is quite the straight forward approach to do something like this. Otherwise we would bloat the API for the colDef quite a bit if we consider every edge case as a property!

achoud444 commented 3 days ago

@MBilalShafi @michelengelen Sorry If I am not able to explain clearly. But If you can see in this example, The actionfield is fine because I want to do action in company level but if you can see the createdAtfield is also same for the movies so I also want them to come in the same row as action and however it is blank

MBilalShafi commented 2 days ago

Hey @achoud444 I understand what you mean. I prepared a demo to achieve that:

I am assuming that all children of a given parent row should have the same value for createdAt field, so I am reading the first child row and using its value in the parent row. The trick is to use an API method getRowGroupChildren to get the children of each parent row and use them to extract the necessary value.

Let me know if this fulfills your requirements.

Sidenote: I used rowNode.type === 'group' instead of rowNode.depth === 0 as the latter may cause issues in multi-level grouping.

achoud444 commented 2 days ago

@MBilalShafi thanks it does work for me. But How's a mere mortal supposed to know this? πŸ˜†

MBilalShafi commented 2 days ago

@achoud444 We do have documentation section for the API method getRowGroupChildren, but I agree we could add a recipe here for more users trying to achieve a similar thing.

I'll convert this issue to a recipe request.