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[data grid] Grid has inconsistent background #13549

Open Janpot opened 1 week ago

Janpot commented 1 week ago

Steps to reproduce

Link to live example:


  1. Open demo
  2. Expand the code
  3. Edit the container div to be <div style={{ height: 400, width: '100%', background:'red' }}>

Current behavior

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 15 10 33

Some parts of the grid are transparent, others have a background.

Expected behavior

Either the whole grid has a background, or it's completely transparent.


It's clear we use a background to position a sticky header and pinned columns over the grid. Assuming it's a big refactor to make all surfaces transparent, perhaps it makes sense to set a background for the whole grid as well?

I'm sure this issue must have been recorded already, but I couldn't find it.

Your environment

npx @mui/envinfo ``` Don't forget to mention which browser you used. Output from `npx @mui/envinfo` goes here. ```

Search keywords: background

romgrk commented 1 week ago

Not possible, you can find some details here:

And how to customize the colors here:

I'm not sure about setting an explicit background color. It could make sense, but I'd rather wait to have actual cases from users where it's needed before doing the change? Because I guess adding a solid background now could also be a breaking change in some cases.

Janpot commented 1 week ago

I think the common problem I've ran into several times was when my app used a dark theme and I've forgotten the <CssBaseline /> component. e.g. as in Granted, the root cause is that one needs to set up the <CssBaseline /> correctly. But the grid could do a better effort at a good default behavior regardless and show something. Now it just looks completely broken, it feels a bit brittle to let the correct rendering of the grid depend completely on whether users use <CssBaseline />. As another data point, someone came to our booth at React summit last week and showed me their application, one of the first things I noticed was that they were missing <CssBaseline /> . I believe this is also what happened initially to the grid AI prototype?

Technically this could be seen as a breaking change, we could do it on the next major?

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

IMO this basically falls into the area of making it design agnostic. We could use CSS variables here:

--MuiDataGrid-gridDefaultBackground: ...
--MuiDataGrid-gridDefaultBackground--hover: ...
--MuiDataGrid-gridDefaultBackground--active: ...
--MuiDataGrid-gridPinnedBackground: var(--MuiDataGrid-gridDefaultBackground)

WDYTR @romgrk ?