mui / mui-x

MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
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[data grid] Multi Selection functionality in the Columns visibility panel #13561

Closed vks-dev closed 1 day ago

vks-dev commented 1 week ago


I am using MUI datagrid in my React application and I've got about 100 columns out of which only 5 are visible by default and the remaining can be made visible from the column visibility panel from datagrid toolbar. Now every time I check a column to become visible it closes the panel and then displays the column in the datagrid. I want to see if there is a way to select all the columns you want to display at a time and then hit a key or something and it performs the operation then. If it's not an existing functionality then I think it could be a great feature.



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Search keywords: column visibility, column hiding

michelengelen commented 1 week ago

To help us diagnose the issue efficiently, could you provide a stripped-down reproduction test case using the latest version? A live example would be fantastic! ✨

For your convenience, our documentation offers templates and guides on creating targeted examples: Support - Bug reproduction

Just a friendly reminder: clean, functional code with minimal dependencies is most helpful. Complex code can make it tougher to pinpoint the exact issue. Sometimes, simply going through the process of creating a minimal reproduction can even clarify the problem itself!

Thanks for your understanding! 🙇🏼

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

The issue has been inactive for 7 days and has been automatically closed.