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[data grid] Checkbox selection with tree data #13618

Open JahanzaibAbdullah opened 3 days ago

JahanzaibAbdullah commented 3 days ago

The problem in depth

Hey, I am facing this issue with Checkbox selection Functionality as i mentioned this about 3 weeks ago in query #13400.

I need to alter the functionality of the checkboxes. Specifically, when I select a parent node, it should automatically select all its child elements. Currently, this behavior is not implemented, and I need guidance on how to achieve this. Help me figure it out as this is a high priority task.


Thank you for your support. I look forward to your prompt response.

Regards, Jahanzaib Malik

Your environment

`npx @mui/envinfo` ``` Don't forget to mention which browser you used. Output from `npx @mui/envinfo` goes here. ```

Search keywords: Data Grid Premium, Tree data, Render cell for default group column Order ID: 91010

MBilalShafi commented 3 days ago

Hey Jahanzaib,

This request is mentioned and discussed about in

Internally supporting this functionality is a priority for the team. Until then, could you check the solutions mentioned on the issue if one of them works for you?