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[Date Picker] DatePicker improperly adds extra 0's on Single-Digit Months and Days; It Should Strictly Respect Given Date Format #14719

Open epicstar opened 22 hours ago

epicstar commented 22 hours ago

Steps to reproduce

Link to live examples:

Steps (in live example):

  1. Set DatePicker.format to:
    1. M/D/YY if using dayjs
    2. M/d/yy if using date-fns
  2. In the date picker, select a date with a single digit month and day
  3. Compare the DatePicker's TextField's date format to the library's format(date, fmt) return string (see Demo.tsx)

Current behavior


Expected Behavior Happens

V7 - Bug Occurs

The DatePicker's TextField displays adds 1 extra 0 to single date months and days despite the date format specifically wanting single-digit months and days.


const fmt = "M/D/YY";

export default function FirstComponent() {
  const [date, setDate] = React.useState(dayjs());
  return (
    <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
        onChange={(newDate) => {
          toolbar: {
            toolbarFormat: fmt,
      <Box>{date?.format(fmt) ?? "Please select date"}</Box>
        If formatted date is not the same, there is a bug in the DatePicker.

Expected behavior

The given format to the TextField should be the same as the library's format(date, fmt) call. This was the case in v5 of the Date Picker library.


In most cases of our frontend (not all), we expected all our date formats to follow the following pattern:

  1. single digit months should just display the month number with no extra zeroes
  2. single digit days should just display the day number with no extra zeroes

We're doing this for mostly... reasons (keeps the text field compact etc.).

When updating from v5 to v7 (skipped v6), we noticed our date pickers have added zeroes to single digit days or months regardless of the given date format. The format seems to be followed as expected except for the single digit case I can't figure out a reason why the format is changed such that we are adding extra M's and d|D's to the format when v5 strictly followed the given format.

Your environment

npx @mui/envinfo ``` System: OS: Windows 11 10.0.22631 Binaries: Node: 20.16.0 - ~\AppData\Local\Temp\xfs-af08357a\node.CMD npm: 9.6.7 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD pnpm: Not Found yarn: 4.5.0 (this is what we use) Browsers: Chrome: 128.0.6613.139 (Official Build) (64-bit) Edge: Chromium (127.0.2651.74) ```

Search keywords: date picker format

flaviendelangle commented 7 hours ago


The behavior around leading zeroes is explained in this doc section

You can enforce it, but this comes with some tradeoffs if you try to access the value directly on the DOM element or if you are using form submission. With v8 and moving forward we should be able to improve this behavior thanks to a new DOM structure that do no longer have these limitations.