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[DataGrid] Server-side pagination for an unknown number of items #409

Closed thomasdowell closed 5 months ago

thomasdowell commented 3 years ago

To enable server-side pagination for an unknown number of items in the TablePagination component, the value of the count prop must be -1. When the value of the DataGrid component's rowCount prop is set to -1, the server-side pagination functionality is not complete.

Current Behavior 😯

"Total rows: -1" is rendered and the onPageChange function is not triggered.

Expected Behavior πŸ€”

"Total rows: -1" should not render and the onPageChange function should trigger until there are no more pages to get from the server.

Steps to Reproduce πŸ•Ή


  1. Go to this CodeSandbox which demos this material-ui example
  2. Navigate to demo.js
  3. Change rowCount={100} to rowCount={-1} on line 55

Context πŸ”¦

Server-side pagination


oliviertassinari commented 3 years ago

@thomasdowell Thanks for the feature request. The grid doesn't support the unknown last row case yet. This request is close to #404 but for when pagination=true.

ahurlburt commented 3 years ago

Are there any known workarounds to this? I'm using DynamoDB and item count is either estimated (to get quickly) or expensive to get accurately. It would be nice if the data grid just allowed the next page to load and disable showing the total count in this case.

I see the infinite scroll for client side was marked important and closed, @oliviertassinari I see you marked that issue as important. Seeing dynamo's (and nosql in general) growth in popularity I would assume many people are going to start running into this issue (unless there is a valid workaround I'm not aware of)?

oliviertassinari commented 3 years ago

I'm using DynamoDB and item count is either estimated (to get quickly) or expensive to get accurately.

@ahurlburt I had the same experience with PostgreSQL after 1m rows on a table.

Regarding the possible solution of this problem, I think that there are two different paths that we could follow (complementary):

This duality of choices is similar to what @DanailH is working on for #1247. He started by building the missing API for option 1 (not the same issue as we talk here)

Bersaelor commented 2 years ago

I'm also working on at least two use cursor-based pagination cases where I don't know the total amount of rows, until I hit the last page. (One is dynamodb)

This is the main reason why getting DataGridPro hasn't been worth it for me.

jspasiuk commented 2 years ago

This issue is affecting me as well!

Right now can't use the data-grid because of this limitation about the row count. I had to make a custom list with infinite scroll.


ibrahimhajjaj commented 2 years ago

Same here folks, the total items is unknown till reaching that last page

leotuna commented 2 years ago

Workaround πŸ‘‡

    '.MuiTablePagination-displayedRows': {
      display: 'none', // πŸ‘ˆ to hide huge pagination number
  rowCount={Number.MAX_VALUE} // πŸ‘ˆ to maximize pages
adamrneary commented 1 year ago

Even for teams not using Relay, the Relay pagination spec is a reliable and consistent spec for cursor-based pagination:

We don't use Relay, but our pagination interface matches this, and it would be great if <DataGrid /> was able to consume it directly. Very specifically:

  onPageSizeChange={(newPageSize) => setPageSize(newPageSize)}
  rowsPerPageOptions={[10, 25, 100]}

This world speaks to many of the commenters above, where you don't have a total row count and you might not even know what page you're on, but you're getting n rows back and forward/backward cursors that match the above.

UI wise, this means we aren't showing MuiTablePagination-displayedRows (in sync with @leotuna 's workaround right above). Just forward and backward chevrons and a page size select.

Just a thought β€”Β hope it helps!

adamrneary commented 1 year ago

In the spirit of temporary workarounds, this hook manages to encapsulate the logic we need to apply in the meantime β€”Β in case others find it useful!

export function useGridPagination() {
  const [page, setPage] = useState(0);
  const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState(10);

  const {
  } = usePagination(pageSize);

  useEffect(() => {
    if ((paginationState.first ?? paginationState.last) !== pageSize) {
  }, [paginationState, pageSize, resetPaginationState]);

  const handlePageChange = useCallback(
    (newPage: number, pageInfo?: GQPageInfo | null) => {
      if (!pageInfo) return;
      if (newPage <= page) {
      } else {
    [fetchNextPage, fetchPreviousPage, page]

  const gridPaginationProps = useCallback(
    (pageInfo?: GQPageInfo | null) => ({
      pagination: true,
      paginationMode: 'server' as 'server',
      onPageSizeChange: (newPageSize: number) => setPageSize(newPageSize),
      rowsPerPageOptions: [10, 25, 100],
      rowCount: pageInfo?.hasNextPage
        ? Number.MAX_VALUE
        : pageSize * (pageInfo?.hasPreviousPage ? 2 : 1),

      onPageChange: (newPage: number) => handlePageChange(newPage, pageInfo),
    [handlePageChange, page, pageSize]

  return {

Then the grid just needs the following:

    '.MuiTablePagination-displayedRows': {
      display: 'none', // πŸ‘ˆ to hide huge pagination number
clarkmcc commented 1 year ago

It's even more hacky, but I just did

    ".MuiTablePagination-displayedRows": {
      display: "none",
VladyslavBondarenko commented 1 year ago

Workaround πŸ‘‡

    '.MuiTablePagination-displayedRows': {
      display: 'none', // πŸ‘ˆ to hide huge pagination number
  rowCount={Number.MAX_VALUE} // πŸ‘ˆ to maximize pages

Would be perfect to have a custom render for the rowCount. I'd like to have the word many there (1-10 of many) unless it's the last page (so the number of rows is known).

Edit: Found, solved with

  MuiTablePagination: {
    labelDisplayedRows: ({ from, to, count }) =>
      `${from} - ${to} of ${
        count === Number.MAX_VALUE ? "many" : count

With the Number.MAX_VALUE, the "next" button remains enabled on the last page, need to handle this case.

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

:warning: This issue has been closed. If you have a similar problem but not exactly the same, please open a new issue. Now, if you have additional information related to this issue or things that could help future readers, feel free to leave a comment.

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