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[RFC] Support resizing columns whose definition has explicit width #4950

Open m4theushw opened 2 years ago

m4theushw commented 2 years ago


Given we have a memoized array of column definitions with explicit widths, e.g. width: 200, if one of the columns is resized and the reference of the array is changed, the widths of the columns are reverted to the sizes specified in the definition. One issue that implemented these conditions is Although the problem in it can be fixed with CSS, I think we should consider that the column definitions may change.


  1. Open
  2. Resize "Column 1"
  3. Hover any of the rows
  4. The width of "Column 1" is reverted

If an explicit width (uses the default column width) is not defined it works correctly. This happens because newColumn.width doesn't exist, not overriding existingState.width. If there's a width, newColumn.width always win.

Proposed solution

  1. Rename GridColDef.width to GridColDef.initialWidth.

    This solution transmits to the user the idea that the width passed may not be the final one, but will be used initially. GridColDef.width can still be used, but will always win even if the column is resized.

  2. Use the existing computedWidth above.

    I didn't investigate all side effects. One I can think immediately is that computedWidth will be used even if the user changes GridColDef.width. Not sure if it works.

    diff --git a/packages/grid/x-data-grid/src/hooks/features/columns/gridColumnsUtils.ts b/packages/grid/x-data-grid/src/hooks/features/columns/gridColumnsUtils.ts
    index d3fdb4104..90699da7e 100644
    --- a/packages/grid/x-data-grid/src/hooks/features/columns/gridColumnsUtils.ts
    +++ b/packages/grid/x-data-grid/src/hooks/features/columns/gridColumnsUtils.ts
    @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ export const hydrateColumnsWidth = (
             computedWidth = 0;
           } else {
    -        computedWidth = clamp(newColumn.width!, newColumn.minWidth!, newColumn.maxWidth!);
    +        computedWidth = clamp(newColumn.computedWidth! || newColumn.width!, newColumn.minWidth!, newColumn.maxWidth!);
           widthAllocatedBeforeFlex += computedWidth;
  3. Create columnDimensionsModel prop

    We move to this prop all the dimension attributes. In parallel to it, we add the onColumnDimensionsModelChange callback prop, called when the user resizes one column. This solution is similar to columnVisibilityModel. It will be a pain to, temporarily, keep supporting the dimension attributes inside the GridColDef so it might be better to implement this only in v6.

  4. Only add a demo supporting resizing and explicit widths

    We could listen to the columnResize event and store in an object the new width of the column. In the column definition, the width from the object is used. It's more or less what onColumnDimensionsModelChange does, but in a rudimentar way.

m4theushw commented 2 years ago

@mui/x I would like your opinion on this one.

flaviendelangle commented 2 years ago

I think memoizing columns with a deps like this is a bad pattern because it causes a re-computation of the whole grid (sorting / filtering / aggregation / grouping / column processing etc...) for something that should only impact two rows (the one being un-hovered and the one being hovered)

For me the clean implementation on the user side would be with a React context and no reset of the columns whatsoever.

I feel like your 4 solutions adds a non-negligible amount of complexity There may be use-case where users do have to put deps in the column useMemo. But I did not see any yet.

Right now we have a behavior that I like:

If we do open the apiRef on the community plan (#4070 has some issues, I think we can open it to the community without the public / private split by the way), then we could keep this distinction.

flaviendelangle commented 2 years ago

Because you have the same problem for row reordering If you reorder then hover a cell, you loose the order

And putting more and more properties of the columns outside of there definition is not great I think.

m4theushw commented 2 years ago

@flaviendelangle But then it means that the columns should never change and all possible columns should be defined a priori. This is not always possible. For instance, if the columns are dynamic and change based on the content displayed (e.g. columns extracted from the rows prop), they may change when viewing another page. #3200 loads columns from an API. I agree that columns shouldn't relay on many props, but only a single prop as dependency already breaks column resizing.

flaviendelangle commented 2 years ago

the columns should never change and all possible columns should be defined a priori.

No, it would mean that for dynamic columns, people should use apiRef.current.updateColumns whenever possible.

I indeed think that changes in props.columns should be as rare as possible and that our main goal should be to provide API to avoid having users relying on this change in the 1st place. Because by definition, updating this prop is heavy. We can try to change the way some feature behave to have them work with props.columns updates, but I think in general we should teach users how to update there columns without updating this prop.

If you want to support your example with the deps in the useMemo, would you also extract the column order outside of props.columns ?

cherniavskii commented 2 years ago

I like solution no.1, mostly because it allows to define columns dynamically instead of using updateColumns (which is kind of the point of React - declarative over imperative) while avoiding width reset after resizing the columns

theGeekyLad commented 1 year ago

That's a pretty neat solution, @flaviendelangle ! We use MUI at work and had the same column-sizing-auto-resets issue. I started off with your createContext() approach, which did the trick.

However, I explored the useRef() approach (perhaps the same as apiRef that you mentioned above) and that seemed to be a better fit overall, so I just thought of sharing the idea with you all:

const MyAwesomeTable = ({ rawRowData }) {

        * + backup of row data
        * + will not be re-computed across re-renders
        * + useful when row data can be filtered (such as during a search)
        * - changes in original row data won't be picked up without a component re-mount
    const _rawRowData = useRef(rawRowData);

        * + The exact `DataGrid` row action item's reference (such as an edit row "pen icon")
        * + Stored like this: { id1: Element1, id2, Element2, ... } for each row
        * - Loop will run everytime the component is re-evaluated/rendered
    const actionNodeRefs = {};
    _rawRowData.current.forEach(row => actionNodeRefs[] = useRef(null));

        * + stateful column information not re-computed across re-renders
        * column "actions" contains a "pen icon" that must appear when a row is hovered
        * `ref=...` attaches a reference to this node at `actionNodeRefs[rowId]`
        * initially do not show the icon
    const [columns] = useState([
            field: 'first_name',
            headerName: 'Firstname',


            field: 'actions',
            type: 'actions',
                * edit "pen icon"
            getActions: (params) => {
                return [
                        icon={ <MyAwesomePenIcon /> }
                        ref={actionNodeRefs[]}  // attach a reference to this node
                        style={{ display: 'none' }}  // initially it's hidden as no row is hovered


            row: {
                onMouseEnter: (e) => {
                        * show the "pen icon"
                        * + `data-id` attribute is provided by `DataGrid` on all rows
                        * + points to the row id in question
                    actionNodeRefs[e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id')] = 'block';
                onMouseLeave: (e) => {
                        * hide the "pen icon"
                    actionNodeRefs[e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id')] = 'none';