mui / mui-x

MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
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Provide UMD bundles #7248

Closed noherczeg closed 1 year ago

noherczeg commented 1 year ago

Summary 💡

Based on what I saw in the latest packages, I couldn't find any UMD bundles/modules for mui-x components. @mui/material has a umd package therefore I hope this is not impossible.

Examples 🌈

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Motivation 🔦

In our current setup we'd like to use SystemJS with external UMD packages, but sadly @mui/x-data-grid, and @mui/x-date-pickers don't have such packages therefore we need to bundle these into our artifact instead of loading it externally (saving precious build time).

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oliviertassinari commented 1 year ago

@mui/material has a umd package

Which we should have already removed by now but we didn't have the bandwidth.

noherczeg commented 1 year ago

@mui/material has a umd package

Which we should have already removed by now but we didn't have the bandwidth.

Please don't remove them! I know that it's not hip any more, but this is a really nice feature of the library.

flaviendelangle commented 1 year ago

@oliviertassinari do we have a discussion about this removal ?

Duplicates #3608, let's continue the discussion there