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MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!
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[pickers] UX design review v6.3.0 TimePicker component #8964

Open oliviertassinari opened 1 year ago

oliviertassinari commented 1 year ago

This is a design review on #7958, reporting all the design issues that I can spot cc @gerdadesign

Same as #7440, I think that these could be great items that Nora could work on.

1. Input blur

On, the input is blurred when reaching for the icon to open the panel and focused back again. It's distracting & confusing:

To compare the UX with feels better, it doesn't blur:

2. AM/PM early exit I don't understand why selecting AM or PM validates the value, I didn't press the OK button yet.

3. OK button & Autovaliation I don't understand what the OK button is for.

Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 02 48 02

When I blur or press Enter the value is still persisted.

If the value would be cleared, I would understand, but it's not the case, it's not like with Ant Design:

I think that it would be great to have two modes:

a. the current one but without the OK button, it's sets a wrong expectation b. the Ant Design like UX (a tradeoff that reduce end-user mistakes).

4. Laggy keyboard interaction

Open and start using the keyboard, it feels like it lags behind

when you press a bit too much the button, the list doesn't move. I would expect no animations and an instant handling of the keyboard events.

I understand the use case for the mouse though, since you can't spam clicks, it makes sense to have this smooth animation.

5. Time slot spacing

I feel like there could be a bit more right spacing for the scrollbar:

Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 02 43 18

maybe a few more pixels (1? 2? 3?) like in Ant Design, this feels better:

Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 02 44 42

But overall, I think that the design direction taken by the Ant Design and the native time picker feels better:

Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 02 45 34

A smaller height (to see more options at once), a larger width (to still have enough space to click/tap on it).

oliviertassinari commented 1 year ago

I have found another important design issue:

6. Handle touch start

On the clock only responds on "touch move" and "touch end". It should respond on "touch start" too, this is wrong:

You can compare the UX on a native Android time picker, this feels good:

It also feels correct in too.

gerdadesign commented 1 year ago

@oliviertassinari Can you elaborate on 1? I'm not seeing any blurriness.

2 & 3. These should be two methods:

  1. I think this has been fixed? I don't experience the same thing now.

  2. Our current pickers and ant design are same width (48px). However, I am exploring updates for small / large sizes, primarily to adjust for desktop / mobile. Here's a preview with the scrollbars (Mac: on hover + on focus)

oliviertassinari commented 12 months ago

Can you elaborate on 1? I'm not seeing any blurriness.

@gerdadesign I'm referring to

2 & 3. These should be two methods:

I was thinking of something in this line:

The close of selecting the final value feels really strange to me. I'm not picking the value in the order they are shown. I think that it would be great to test this with end-users, but alternatively, is there any other date picker that behaves like this end users would have been taught on? I can't remember any.

  1. I think this has been fixed? I don't experience the same thing now.

I can reproduce it on the latest version. It might be because of my setting:

Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 02 00 31
oliviertassinari commented 10 months ago

I have found a few other design issues, that are probably not important in the context of a time picker, since they are keyboard related, and using the popular to use the keyboard is strange, why are you not using the input in the first place?

However, they feel noticeable in a date time picker or range #9528.

7. Unstable element position

Compare these 3 cases:




a and b feels great but c feels really annoying not to have a stable element focus position.

8. Keyboard arrow left & right

I wonder if we don't miss the handling of ArrowLeft & ArrowRight. For example

9. No contrast of focus visible

The focus visible has barely any contrast. In

Can you see the focus move?