mui / pigment-css

Pigment CSS is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that extracts the colocated styles to their own CSS files at build time.
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Use CSS cascade layer (`@layer`) #140

Open siriwatknp opened 1 week ago

siriwatknp commented 1 week ago


To ensure that the styles are overrides in a correct order regardless of framework.

The issue I found is from Next.js v14 where the appearance of dev and production are not the same. The generated CSS are the same but the order are not:

dev: the CSS is bundled in one file _page.css which gives the expected result because the styles from sx prop comes later. production: the CSS is split across files then Next.js specifies through <link rel="stylesheet">, somehow the link that contains sx overrides is placed before the components which gives the unexpected result like the image below (the header should not have background blue).



If styles are organized with CSS layer, the appearance will be the same for both dev and production regardless of how frameworks bundle the build.


As a start, Pigment should have 2 layers when enabled: @layer base, overrides

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siriwatknp commented 1 week ago

@brijeshb42 Do you think variants layer is needed?