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Pigment CSS is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that extracts the colocated styles to their own CSS files at build time.
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[docs] confusion between using css property names and JSON style property names #145

Open JonCognioDigital opened 1 week ago

JonCognioDigital commented 1 week ago

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I understand this is about a blog article, not technically documentation but reading abut pigment for the first time it's confused me.

The blog article shows code written with "proper" css as the input, e.g. &:hover { border-color: blue; }. I was delighted because I've been desperately searching for an RSC compatible css-in-jss solution that allows you to write proper CSS as all the other solutions seem to require JSON style css declarations. My hopes seem to have been dashed when reading the actualdocumentation as they appear to have everything in JSON. Just to be clear, which is it?


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