mui / pigment-css

Pigment CSS is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that extracts the colocated styles to their own CSS files at build time.
MIT License
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Allow import customisation #154

Open isshesure opened 1 week ago

isshesure commented 1 week ago


Allow the styles import to be customised, so that component libraries can abstract away the underlying styling solution.


const { withPigment } = require('@pigment-css/nextjs-plugin');

module.exports = withPigment({
  importName: '@mycompany/styles.css'


 import type { Metadata } from 'next';
+import '@mycompany/styles.css';

 export const metadata: Metadata = {
   title: 'Create Next App',
   description: 'Generated by create next app',

 export default function RootLayout(props: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
   return (
     <html lang="en">

Then libraries can export their own plugin:

export const withMyCompanyLibrary = withPigment({ importName: '@mycompany/styles.css' })


Avoid exposing Pigment CSS usage as the styling mechanism for those libraries that do not use other Pigment CSS consumer facing features.

Search keywords: import customisation

brijeshb42 commented 1 week ago

Sounds like a nice addition to the current options. I'll mark this to be taken into consideration before our stable release.