mui / pigment-css

Pigment CSS is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that extracts the colocated styles to their own CSS files at build time.
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ExtendTheme type doesn't seem to work #89

Open suren-atoyan opened 1 month ago

suren-atoyan commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. clone
  2. cd examples/pigment-css-nextjs-ts
  3. npm i
  4. code .

Current behavior

VsCode doesn't recognize theme object.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 21 15 03

I faced this issue in my project, but it does exist in the official pigment-css-nextjs-ts as well.

Expected behavior

I expect full TypeScript support.


No response

Your environment

npx @mui/envinfo ``` System: OS: macOS 14.2.1 Binaries: Node: 18.18.0 - ~/.asdf/installs/nodejs/18.18.0/bin/node npm: 9.8.1 - ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/shims/npm pnpm: Not Found Browsers: Chrome: 124.0.6367.208 Edge: Not Found Safari: 17.2.1 npmPackages: @emotion/react: 11.11.4 @emotion/styled: 11.11.5 @mui/private-theming: 6.0.0-alpha.6 @mui/styled-engine: 6.0.0-alpha.6 @mui/system: 6.0.0-dev.240424162023-9968b4889d @mui/types: 7.2.14 @mui/utils: 6.0.0-alpha.6 @types/react: latest => 18.3.2 react: latest => 18.3.1 react-dom: latest => 18.3.1 typescript: latest => 5.4.5 ```

Search keywords: TypeScript, theme