mui / pigment-css

Pigment CSS is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that extracts the colocated styles to their own CSS files at build time.
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`styleOverrides` not being applied #95

Closed oe-josh-martin closed 1 month ago

oe-josh-martin commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce

I'm using PigmentCSS for a design system, it's working fine for me to grab the tokens from the theme.tokens, but it's not applying any of the styleOverrides when I pass them to the name / slot.



export const Content = styled('div', { name: 'Accordion', slot: 'Content' })(
    ({ theme }) => ({
        padding: `${} ${theme.tokens.spacing.lg} ${}`,

App next.config.js

module.exports = withPigment(
        transpilePackages: ['@...'],
        theme: {
            tokens: {
                padding: ...
            styleOverrides: {
                Accordion: {
                    Content: {
                        backgroundColor: 'red',
        transformLibraries: ['@...'],

Current behavior

Padding styles are correctly applied, but no styleOverrides are carried through. I thought maybe it would only override styles that had been applied, but even if I pass something like the below, still nothing is applied.

styleOverrides: {
    Accordion: {
        Content: {
            padding: 0,
Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 11 39 30

Search keywords: style overrides

brijeshb42 commented 1 month ago

styleOverrides should be nested inside components key

module.exports = withPigment(
        transpilePackages: ['@...'],
        theme: {
            components: {
              Accordion: {
                styleOverrides: {
                  Content: {
                    // your css
        transformLibraries: ['@...'],

Feel free to re-open if you face any issues.

oe-josh-martin commented 4 weeks ago

Perfect, thanks @brijeshb42. Perhaps worth updating the docs to clarify as they suggest doing it a different way 👍