mujtaba01 / ngx-owl-carousel

An angular2 (4) wrapper for jquery owl-carousel library with dynamic carousel item change detection
MIT License
70 stars 25 forks source link

Changing list of items causes owl carousel to be destroyed and then recreated so creates a weird look #46

Open aks1994 opened 6 years ago

aks1994 commented 6 years ago

I have an owl carousel in a component which has different route params. For each route param, the list of items in the carousel changes.

I've used [items]="images" on the owl carousel so that the list updates fine, but when I change the route, the owl carousel disappears for a split second and then reappears. This looks strange because the rest of the component does not have to update when the route params change.

I feel that this should not be reinitialized in this way. Any thought would be appreciated. Thanks

aks1994 commented 6 years ago

Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.