mukul-rathi / bolt

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Refactor lock LLVM IR generation code #108

Open mukul-rathi opened 4 years ago

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

Create a struct containing locking info and have a pointer in the class

class Foo{
  struct *lockingInfo

    bool isLockBeingUpdated;
    pthread_t *ownerThread;
    int writerCount;
    int readerCount;

And then we refactor so calling lock / unlock will call a function rather than generating IR for each instance of lock/unlock.

_lock(struct x, locktype){

if(lock is being updated){
currThreadOwnsLock = check current pthread with the lock's pthread
noWritersPresentOnOtherThreads = numWriters ==0 || currThreadOwnsLock

 if( type == Reader){
       canAcquireLock = noWritersPresentOnOtherThreads; 
else{ // mode is writer
   canAcquireLock = noWritersPresentOnOtherThreads && noReadersPresent;

CAS( lockUpdated, oldval=0, newVal=1);
// if fail then loop to lock update

// now we're in critical section to update lock info (meta lock within a lock)
if reader{

if writer { 
update owning thread to this thread

mem fence

store lockUpdated -> 0 // release update lock

And for the unlock operation

unlock( struct, lock type){

    spin on LockUpdate mutex 

    if (reader lock){

     if writer { 
mem fence

store lockUpdated -> 0 // release update lock

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

A better solution: See

Store reader + writer lock asshorts (16 bits) each - so the upper bits of a int32 refers to reader count, the lower bits refer to reader.

Then update = a single CAS instead of updating reader & writer count individually.

This means you don't need all this faff of another bool field.

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

the lock / unlock functions should take in two arguments - the memory addresses of the pthread id and lock counter respectively. (llvm::PointerType ?)

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

when releasing writer lock need to set threadID to null (to prevent other threads reading a stale copy of the owning thread).

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

fix #122 whilst at it

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

Could instead try to use a pthread_rw_mutex() with a custom field that checks owner thread set - so don't try to acquire lock if thread has already acquired it. This simplifies the custom lock and also makes sure we have reentrancy as pthread_rw_mutex()deadlocks on reentrancy

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

(Bug - not updating field)

let (i = 0; i< 10; i++){
x.f := x.f + i 

x.f is set to 0 if using a locked capability, rather than 55 (1+2+...+10).

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

Just write the lock in C and link in the function, and use C atomics / insert memory fence using LLVM.

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

Right now the lock is taken on the whole object, we should instead have a lock per capability, covering only those fields touched by the capability.